the head of the government Michael Müller (SPD), a draft law on privatisation brake for country ownership to develop.

head of government Michael Müller (SPD) wants a privatisation brake photo: Reuters

Almost three years she is already in the red-red-green coalition agreement, now it is to be clearly concrete: the head of the government Michael Müller (SPD) has commissioned the financial and the internal administration of the Senate, a bill for privatisation brake shall be provided. Target high hurdles for the sale of land owned, which serves the General interest: are companies like the BSR or the housing companies, but also the soil in the possession of the land.

“Let’s make a brake move,” said Muller after the session of the Senate on Tuesday in front of journalists. First Considerations he had expressed the night before at an event in the Urania. The Basis for this is a set of signed on page 155 of the coalition agreement, the SPD, the left party and the Green by the end of 2016: “The coalition intends to take after the example of Bremen’s privatisation brake in the Berlin Constitution, according to the public company, in whole or in essential Parts only are sold shall be, if a majority in a referendum to agree to.”

but That was already three years ago, is not new: already in 2011, the then Senator for Economics Harald Wolf (left party) had called for in the red-red coalition, 2014, under the SPD-CDU government, Supertotobet the SPD parliamentary leader Raed Saleh similar to, respectively, without measurable success. A public initiative of the Governing mayor, as now by Müller but was not yet available.

According to his ideas, a sale would be permitted only if a referendum agrees, or a two-thirds majority in Parliament is in favour of it. This could be Miller’s representation without a constitutional amendment setting, for which it needs a two-thirds majority in the house of representatives. Then Red would not be instructed-Red-Green on support from the Opposition.

but the Michael Efler holds, in the links group, a specialist for such questions, for it is not possible A Parliament may decide, in its view, without a majority, that a future Parliament needs to for something a two-thirds majority. “Without a constitutional amendment can’t,” said Efler of the taz. His group had formulated in the spring of a draft privatisation brake and with the other group leaders of the coalition, as well as those of the CDU and FDP discussed, but there is no support for the necessary two-thirds majority is found.

At the time of their exam to be held in March in Rheinberg, the left group had also decided on an even more far-reaching “property of political positioning,” according to which the sale of land in public ownership, a “ground would be to exclude backup law” in principle. To this demand of its coalition partner, addressed, Müller said on Tuesday: “If they have decided something, I have noticed nothing”, also in the Senate that came after his presentation.

The Green as the third government partner, the Miller advance support. “This was also a key project of ours in the choice program,” said Green MEP Katrin Schmid Berger in the taz. In the case of the state-owned housing, there are housing law that was created to pressure from the Rent-people’s desire of 2015, even a small privatisation brake.

Clearly, however, the FDP parliamentary group said: “Instead of new thinking about the brakes, should Michael Müller and his Senate brakes prefer to be in our city to solve the worries for a lame administration, traffic jam end of the road and lack of housing.”