No mitigating circumstances in the case of drones and cameras to the terrorist organization, believes the senior prosecutor.

In a terrorsag for the supply of drones and other equipment to the Islamic State should the three defendants punished in the worst possible prison in six or five years.

this is the message from the senior prosecutor, Sidsel Klixbüll to nævninger and judges Thursday in the Copenhagen city Court.

One of the men is Turkish citizen, and he should be expelled, sounds from the other prosecutor in the case, senior prosecutor Kristian Kirk.

He, who is 31 years old, born and raised in Denmark. With his wife, he has two small children. The man’s two sisters have also opted to join the Islamic State.

the Assertion of the sentence to the three men get on the track after a significant defeat for the prosecution. The court has refused to find them guilty of the most serious determination on terrorism, which the prosecution had asked for.

the Men called the teacher, cykelhandleren and the driver is found to have facilitated a terrorist organisation’s business. It is in violation of penal code section 114 e. Here is the penalty of imprisonment for six years. And it is precisely what the court needs to reach, says Sidsel Klixbüll.

– First we need to look at the mitigating circumstances, ” she says, and makes a short pause, before she continues:

– Those are none of.

However, there is much that speaks for the toughest possible sanction, believe senioranklageren.

– If the not the defendants had delivered these items, would Islamic State have been eyes from the air. It changed the entire Islamic State warfare. You went from more or less random attacks to more planned attacks with more damage, says Sidsel Klixbüll.

the Teacher has had a coordinating role and is according to her, to prison for six years. The other two should be punished with five or six years, says.

But the lawyer Jesper Storm Thygesen, who are defending the teacher, a 31-year-old man of palestinian background, on the other hand may well have an eye on mitigating circumstances.

– Is equipment for 135.000 dollars delivered over four months, the worst thing you can ever imagine, that one can support a terrorist organisation with? Of course not, he says.

The convicted person Betebet has been subjected to a long-term process. It stretched from april 2014, when the police found an absolutely key piece of evidence with him, a usb connector, believes the lawyer.

the Indictment was first raised in the year. Thus, there has been a violation of human rights, and the result should be in prison for a year and six months – part of which should be subject to, reads it.

the Judgment shall be delivered 6. december.
