When the trial against the alleged rovmorder James Schmidt in march, yesterday the prosecution to get him sentenced to a life sentence.
And I am the Robinson winner Malene Hasselblad. The 27-year-old man is accused of having killed her mother and two other older people.
“I am pleased that the public prosecutor goes after a life sentence. It was what I hoped for,” she says to B. T.
Her 81-year-old mother, Ina Hasselblad, was in march found dead in his home in Østerbro.
In the time prior to that was two other older people have been found dead in their home, which were very close to Ina Hasselblads.
In the beginning there was no one who suspected that there had to be crimes behind.
But now consider the public prosecutor at Copenhagen Police, therefore to be able to prove that James Schmidt is behind the three killings. Something that should be punished with the harshest punishment, if it appears to the prosecutor.
And that it just is life, and not custody, the public prosecutor goes after, I am Malene Hasselblad.
She refers to a forvaringsdom is open-ended, and after a maximum of three years to be a psychiatrist to assess whether the person can be prøveudskrevet.
the forvaringsdømte not prøveudskrevet, have particular requirements to be evaluated again no later than one year later, and so on.
That means in concrete terms is that there is a lower limit for how long a forvaringsdømt should sit in prison.
It is there in return for livstidsdømte. They can at the earliest be released on parole when they have served 12 years.
“I’m not surprised that a prosecutor goes after a life sentence. It, seen in the light of what the accused person has previously committed by the personfarlig crime, and out from the RetslægerÃ¥dets assessment after the latest mentalundersøgelse, which is spooky close up of the that were made in connection with the previous conviction,” she says and continues:
“Life imprisonment is the strictest punishment, and in case the accused person is found guilty, I think, it is the only appropriate sentence.”
It is not the first time, James Schmidt has a view to severe punishment, if the prosecution recommendation will be fully. He was in 2011 sentenced to custody for raping a minor girl, but the Supreme court repealed the verdict in 2012. The court took into account that he was very young and not previously penalized.
In relation to the upcoming trial refuses he pleaded guilty to having killed the three older people.