pastor Julia Steller of the Protestant Church in Schongau remains. After their three-year probationary service in the Lech town, the 32-Year-old to the pastorate in Schongau advertised and was elected by the Church Board.

Schongau – “It was an easy decision to say, I am applying to the post, I already know,” says Julia Steller and laughs. After her internship in Friedrich hofen in a circle in Ingolstadt they had been of the Evangelical Lutheran Church three years ago to the sample service to Schongau sent.

After the successful completion of assessment by the Weilheimer Dean, Jörg hammer, Bacher was able to apply now for a free pastorate and decided to Schongau. And, although there is just a huge selection of Parishes. “You should stay five years in a pastorate. Since I’ve been here for two years. But I must also, of course, longer,“ explained the native of Leipheimerin.

To Schongau had them wire a good. “I’m here, been well-received and feel valued and supported,” says Julia actuator, which was required in Schongau in the first year. As the first pastor of the arbitration, surprisingly, for family reasons from the office and suddenly she had to cope all alone with the tasks. “It was not a Standard-trial service and also not always easy”, says the young pastor.

But you could learn in this exhausting time. “I had to speak three Times a fresh start in Schongau,” says Steller. The third she had with pastor Jost Herrmann, on the she says: “We are a pretty good combination.” A combination, which adds in some things, well, you can learn in you but also something else. “There are some, where he dares. And it’s great, the enthusiasm with which he remains in the construction phase at the thing,“ she says.

you had to incorporate in the renovation of the Church and the parish house at flower road, and it was clear to her that she could not get alone on the road. “It is never boring, because we are both creative minds,” says you on the Schongauer pastor Team. Your colleague Jost Herrmann puts it this way: “What a joy. She has decided to Schongau and has also been chosen.“

be inventive in the Corona-crisis

The Corona-epidemic and the associated changes to the pastor’s team made in the Lech town also inventive: The “worship to go” was born, and along with Vicar Barbara Krauße and other helpers were built and four stations at ascension to be implemented. The intercessions, which could throw the participants into a Box, were also in the Pentecost service under the open sky in the Serenadenhof, the Holy spirit hospital to hear Foundation. The Corona had the effect of crisis that you have had due to the restriction from the outside of the head free for creative ideas, so Julia Steller.

On-the-vocational pastor like you, especially that it is never boring, that it has to do with people of all ages and in all walks of life to. Even if there is no “was From 9 to 17 clock”. She enjoys both the exchange with the seniors, with whom she feels very connected to, as well as with the confirmands and young people. Of the Latter, you already got a “You do listen to us good”.

And also the constructive exchange of views with the Peitinger pastor colleagues, she very much appreciates. In addition, a wonderful city with a good infrastructure and a beautiful location that she appreciates the beloved mountains due to a very Schongau for you. Pastor to be mean to Julia Steller, for the people and not only for a target audience.


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