“Obi-Wan Kenobi,” that’s a name most “Star Wars” fans are unfamiliar with, is a new name. Ewan McGregor stars in a new Disney+ series that gives the Jedi master his moment in the suns.
It is set halfway between George Lucas’ two trilogies. It was 10 years after McGregor’s last appearance in “Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith” and nine years before Alec Guinness’s hooded, howling entry as Ben Kenobi as “Episode 4: A New Hope.”
McGregor stated that he kept Guinness’s name in his mind throughout production. McGregor listened to Guinness’ dialog on a sound file in the dressing room, and took extra time after scenes were shot “just to do an Alec Guinnessy take – just for sure.”
It has to feel like he. The actor, 51 years old, said that he had studied Alec Guinness in the movie. “I have always wanted to be someone who becomes Alec Guinness at end of the day.”
McGregor’s Kenobi project has been in production for many years. It was originally intended to be a film with Stephen Daldry attached as director. After the disappointing box office returns of 2018, “Solo: A Star Wars Story,” Lucasfilm decided to focus its efforts on a streaming series. (Kenobi also appeared in “The Clone Wars,” an animated series that ran seven seasons. It is now available on Disney+.
Last year’s filming was mainly on Industrial Light & Magic’s Los Angeles-area soundstages. These large LED screens create virtual worlds around performers.
Producers have kept all details secret, just like with “The Mandalorian”, which was also shot there. Here’s what you should be looking for when the first episode premieres Friday.
“I will take the baby and watch over him,” Kenobi said to Luke Skywalker after 2005’s “Revenge of the Sith.” Leia and Luke’s mother Leia died shortly after they were born. Jimmy Smits adopted Leia from the regal Bail Organa. The new series starts with Kenobi bringing Luke to Tatooine with his family. Trailers show Kenobi, a 10-year-old Skywalker, on the desert planet. For now, the kid seems fine. You should pack your starfighter. This series introduces Daiyu to the galaxy. It is a bright urban Hong Kong-like planet that’s perfect for rooftop blaster shootouts.