infection with The Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 is not as assumed on the throat. The nose is the portal of Entry for infection.

Sars-CoV-2* infiltrates, often through the nose Previously suspected, researchers mucous membranes in the body, the throat as a route of entry Via the nose, the Coronavirus in the lungs, but also into the brain – all the latest news you will also receive our Newsapp

Not only cold viruses love the mucous membranes of the nose. Also, the Sars-Coronavirus-2 uses it is preferable to penetrate into the human body and spread. The American researchers from North Carolina. Their findings have been published in the scientific magazine “Cell”.

Corona research: The Virus takes a different path to that assumed

Initially, many scientists had assumed that the Coronavirus affects first the tissues of the pharynx and in the further course of the infection in the lower respiratory tract moves. To seemed to be this assumption that a runny nose was considered initially as a rather rare Symptom in Covid-19* and, in General, after infection frequently neck pain may occur as the first complaints.

The researchers Yixuan Hou are now come to the conclusion that the Virus adopts another way: in their view it infects first cells of the nasal cavity and from there, via body fluids in deep areas of the lungs. The nose could also be the Station, about the Sars-CoV-2 to the brain wanders,* the excitation will reach, according to current knowledge and may cause damage.

Coronavirus comes through the nose into the lungs

+ the researchers believe that the Sars-Cov-2-Virus infects first cells of the nasal cavity and from there via body fluids in deep areas of the lung.©to investigate imago/UIG

the routes of infection of the Virus , constructed by the researchers in the laboratory on the Basis of existing genotype data from Sars-CoV-2 an artificial DoppelgangeR, the lights up under a fluorescent light green. With a highly sensitive method, they examined the different cell types in the nose, throat and bronchial mucosa in order to determine the amount of the receptor they ACE2 are equipped. This Receptor is Covid-19 crucial, because the Virus binds to him to penetrate into the Interior of the cells. The scientists noted that the density of the ACE2 receptor along the route of the upper to the lower respiratory tract decreased. That is to say: In the cells of the nasal mucosa of these Docking sites were more available than in the cells of the pharynx and the bronchi.

Suitable to this finding, the researchers found that the Virus was able to infect the upper respiratory tract better. A further result of these Experiments: In all atemswegs wings, especially the cilia of the cells were affected by the infection. Cilia extensions of the cells, play an important role in the movement and recording of signals from their environment. In the lower respiratory tract about their movements to allow the removal of mucus.

Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2: partial immunity due to other corona viruses

In a second part of the study, the researchers tested with the help of the artificially created Sars-Coronavirus-2 , the cross-reactivity with antibodies to the related corona viruses, Sars-1 and Mers.* It showed that antibodies, as they were to be found in the blood of patients after Sars infection, were able to inhibit in laboratory testing, in a small degree the propagation of Sars-CoV-2 . This could indicate that people who have recovered from Sars or Mers, have an infection with Sars-CoV-2 , a partial immunity, which makes it less difficult to develop. Scientists consider, it is also possible that such partial immunity is present even in people who have an infection with one of the popular Corona cold viruses through.

The infection Loge Bernd Salzberger, University hospital Regensburg, President of the German society for infectious diseases who was not involved in the study, refers to the methods the US researcher as a “new and elegant”. Together with the data from the histological samples (tissue samples) will be designed so that “an image of the infection”: “at the beginning of the nasal mucosa is infected, then it is most likely due to Aspiration of mucus, infection of the lungs.” However, could not be drawn from the results, the conclusion is that the other way, occurring a direct infection of the lungs – as well. He appeared to be but “implausible”.

Sars-CoV-2 infected via the respiratory tract: nose, used as access for Coronavirus

A direct application of infection with Covid-19 to prevent the study, however, not derived: “The path of the Virus on the respiratory tract.” A specific prevention was therefore “hard to imagine”. It is assumed, however, that, first of all, the nose is infected, and the lung mucosa only follow later, would be window of time to come up with a therapy, the development of a lung infection.

Pamela Dörhöfer

Around the novel Coronavirus prevails a lot of uncertainty. We will answer your questions about Corona and the lung disease Covid-19.*

* is part of the nationwide Ippen Digital network.

section list image:©picture alliance/Sebastian Gollnow/dpa