researchers submit an interim report to the Kentler Experiment, in the Berlin districts of foster children to pedophiles mediated.

The Berlin education Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD) commissioned a team of researchers with the enlightenment photo: Reuters

The refurbishment of one of the greatest educational scandals of the post-war history is progressing only with difficulty. Based on the so-called Kentler Experiment Berlin were taught in the West since the end of the sixties to 2001, care of children of youth services to ex-offenders Pädosexuelle.

A research team, presented on Monday afternoon in the administration of education a first interim report that includes, in accordance with first impressions, little that is New. The Team should examine how it could come to the so-called Kentler Experiment and what are the Lessons to be drawn from it for today’s youth.

in addition to files study and interviews with contemporary witnesses, the researchers*can make the interior so far, three Affected find. Two of them were available for Interviews. It is unclear how many of such alleged care it has been given – as well as many victims were there in total in this period.

The victims, who were interviewed, reported, according to Julia Schröder Horrifying: The victims were mentally stressed, had put in the “care” of complete Isolation and no opportunities had, to get help.

a New realization that children and not only young people were among the Victims, and the accommodation for prisoners is Pädosexuellen until the beginning of the 2000s lasted longer than expected, according to Senator Sandra Scheeres (SPD). Scheeres promised to do Pashagaming “everything” to Kentlers Work in the Berlin children and youth to inform the help, and called it “cynical and misanthropic”.

The mediation by the youth welfare offices of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Tempelhof-Schöneberg only a few employees*was well known. Legitimacy of the mediation in these “care centers” by expert opinion and a supposed “Experiment” of the then renowned and now deceased social educators, Helmut Kentler, which lobbied for the legalization of Sex with Minors and it stopped for healing when the street children were housed with convicted pedophiles.

In a so-called model project, he brought the end of the 60s for the first time, with regulatory approval to care for children when convicted Pädosexuellen and later moved, after all the alleged offences were time-barred, a positive how shocking conclusion to the “supposed Experiment”: “Secondary bullshit” illiterate, had developed by the tender care of the Pädosexuellen to the self-employed personalities who led an “ordinary, unremarkable life”.

According to the findings of the research teams has received Kentler in addition, the contact to the supposed care of the fathers long. According to testimonies, he was a friend, a Mentor of the Pädosexuellen. Those Affected had visited him with the care of the fathers even to the Christmas celebrations in Hannover.

A 2017 initiated criminal proceedings in connection with the sexual abuse were hired.