starts The Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz, the Museum of the 20th century. To advertise century. This was also the time.

Should be: The Museum of the 20th century. Century, the people of Berlin barn called

Maybe it is the saddle roof. Might be able to German culture was not interested in the gable roof, is still considered a modern feel, still see it as a much too cozy, since the Nazis declared it to be part of the “German Architectural”, and the damn flat roof. May be that this is one of the reasons why the review sections of Newspapers nationwide in the last few weeks, so much malice on the Berlin Museum of Modern distributed, the 2026 is to be done (ground-breaking ceremony is at 3. December), and its working title is currently “Museum of the 20th century. Century“ is.

a few weeks ago it was announced that the Museum will not cost as initially calculated 200 million, but 450 million euros. At the end of last week, the budget Committee of the Bundestag has approved these costs increase good. It’s called, the Museum of Modern art was the prestige project of the state Minister for Culture Monika Grütters (CDU), you can saw off easily. It is also said that this exorbitant sum is hardly justified for a building that looked like a “monstrous mother hen”, for a house that is called by the charming people of Berlin now optionally available as “barn”, “the beer tent”, “riding hall” or “Aldi”.

It is, as the Prussian cultural heritage Foundation, which wants to leave the Museum building had begun on Monday evening, the headlong rush – and finally started to apply a lot to her gescholtenes Baby. In the case of an information evening for planning of the Museum it has loaded in the chamber music hall. On the Podium with a fine selection of neighbors (for example, Hannes Langbein of the St. Matthew’s Church) sits, makers, Museum (for example, the Director of the national gallery Udo Kittelmann) and journalists (for example, art critic Swantje Karich) vagina. Show largely shocked by the coverage and happy with the grant funds, what initially appears to be least biased.

highlight of the Evening is the presentation by the architects Jacques Herzog from the Swiss architecture firm Herzog & de Meuron, has won in 2016, the competition for the Museum and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg, the Olympic stadium in Beijing or the Allianz Arena in Munich has built. Duke’s style is not at all arrogant, he seems fully aware that the cost increase is a fat toad, and he unfolded the plans for the Museum with such skill, that the critics who sit in the audience and to come later in the word are to be immediately a little of the Wind out of the sails of taken seems.

First of all, this: The Museum will be created between the Philharmonic hall, painting gallery, St.-Matthew’s-Church and state library in the culture forum. So in a difficult place that has been working for decades as a verödetes hole in the city landscape that is not particularly understood in the notorious winter months of this city, even the most resilient Berliners as drafty unreasonable, you should walk through. The reason why the Museum is so much more expensive than planned, is that it must go far into the depth, to provide sufficient exhibition space for the great collection of Rivalo the national gallery.

In the New national gallery, Mies-van-der-Rohe building, which is currently being renovated, you can still show only 20 percent of the collection. Shortly before the executions Duke, the head of the New national gallery, Joachim hunter has described, which treasures this collection has. “In Berlin political was collected as elsewhere,” he said. And: “only a few know that we have the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the largest collection of media art in the world.”

The biggest task of the new Museum, however, will be to connect the surrounding buildings to open to the all directions, so there is really no Front and no Rear, and to create places to not go through you only have Lust, but where you may dwell. Meuron speaks here of a concept of density and encounter. He corresponds very closely to the direction in which modern museums today need to go, if you want to work in the future. You may not realize is longer than the temple of the educated bourgeoisie who want to still be changing.

you need to open up to the needs of the diverse strata of the population. The Museum of Modern art, to be the best open till late in the night, will have a lot of free spaces where people can meet in a public space. It is to receive Boulevards, and staircases with Seating areas that can be transformed in the evening in the amphitheatre for concerts, theatre evenings, discussion meetings. The New national gallery is not only underground, but still pre-recorded and light-flooded Boulevard, also can open the barn in this direction with great goals. Life on the road can splash and what is happening on the inside, the Outside change.

Many images, the Duke this evening shows, are reminiscent of a Labyrinth, a Succession of rooms, each of which covering a floor, a ceiling height, a to get other size. Some of the rooms, today and tomorrow programmed quite differently. You will be more animated, to curate individual rooms.

Some pictures of Duke to remember more to a station than a Museum. The architect says sentences like this: “We need to build homes that are loved.” And: “We don’t hide it, if a house is shaking.” And: “In this house, we are extremely confident and proud.”

Quite different than that of the Humboldt Forum has made here is a thought of what this city really needs – and only then, what forms of this can. That’s why the audience Duke for much of what he says gives enthusiastic applause. He’s a good, convincing Promoter of his cause.

After his speech, it is really so, as the criticism was taken seems to be a lot of poison. The questions from the audience are less in principle, and no other museums like the one in Mannheim or the food, both of which were significantly cheaper, but also much less of exhibition space have. It’s more a matter of detail: one Could not build a better behind the New national gallery, would not become cheaper? Not the Museum, the gallery of paintings in the shadows? It is also Constructive: A flexible home with great exhibitions, long Hours and a lot of part costs more money, it is not necessary to begin already now, over the budget to think about? And: Should the Museum is really a Museum of the 20th century. Century hot? There is no name, the sound a little less bulky?

According to the info evening in the Philharmonic hall, there are two thoughts that stuck. Berlin is not a large, contemporary Museum of Modernism, such as the Tate Modern in London, it has generally arrange to meet just a very few museums in which you would have as a Berliner, Lust, or simply a entire dull to muck around Sunday of November – whether or not, in this respect, the Humboldt Forum will be a first remedy can be, is still more than questionable.

And secondly: the thing with The saddle roof, you might have something. After all, the saddle roofs are missing in any drawing, if kids paint the houses. The Museum might say, with its pointed roof, also, that it’s just a house, with which all can identify, can serve all. It occurs in order to the highly-engraved buildings of Hans Scharoun and Mies van der Rohe in the next room.

It conveys directly a little Modest. In spite of its sheer size. And in spite of its high price.