The Grand coalition will lace up on Tuesday an economic stimulus package. However, there is dispute. Even economy experts are warning of a car-help. Even the Greens appear split.

The German economy suffers from the Corona-crisis – a billion-dollar economic stimulus package should help. On Tuesday (2. June) wants to find the coalition Committee a solution. But the dispute threatens. The particular focus of the “scrappage bonus” is. Several countries are calling for you – financial experts warning.

Berlin/Dresden – often A geschmähtes means of economic policy celebrates in the Corona of a crisis to make a Comeback and could be in the struggle to achieve a stimulus package on Tuesday afternoon, the real bone of contention, if the peaks of the Grand coalition meeting at the Chancellery: The clunkers .

Merkel’s Grand coalition in the billion-Poker: car scrappage scheme splits parties from the SPD to the Green

The situation is rather laughable, because the fronts extend across (almost) all party boundaries. The CDU , and large parts of the SPD are to purchase a re-assignment of the car premium. So Union Leader Ralph Brinkhaus , especially in front of the pressure of the Lobby in this question warned. Also, the SPD-Fraktionsvizes Sören Bartol and Matthias Miersch, expressed at the weekend, clearly dismissive.

But there are also big advocates. Including the SPD Prime Minister of the VW-Federal state of lower Saxony, Stephan Weil, as well as with Winfried Kretschmann even a Green. He is in Baden-württemberg, the country of the father to the strong automobile-dominated “Ländle”. And suffered at the weekend by criticism from own ranks. If only rather conservative.

+ a view on the (economic)engine: Winfried Kretschmann (Green) to the visit at Daimler.©dpa / Franziska Kraufmann

consent it is also the home of BMW and Audi . Country chef Markus Söder (CSU), reaffirmed in the world on Sunday its call for purchase incentives for new vehicles: “We take old cars from the market and replace it with clean vehicles of the latest Generation.” According to his CSU colleagues and Federal transport Minister Andreas Scheuer , the premium shall apply at all for cars with internal combustion engines . You have to get “the heap is empty, thus produced can be,” he said in an interview with the Newspapers of the Funke media group.

car scrappage scheme in focus: Institute warns of a “straw fire” – and the negative effects for other industries

Quite spicy: Even a new overview of the study of the economy of the middle ifo it comes to a more or less devastating judgment on the scrappage scheme. In the financial crisis of 2008/2009 , the premium had to boost the car sales, said study leader Felix Rösel on whit Monday. “To the Party, the hangover followed, however,” he added.

came To view of 15 “data – based investigations of” scrappage schemes in various countries – including Germany and the USA – the ifo experts to the conclusion that the premium ensures that car purchases are preferred. It was “little more than a straw fire”, is to be read in the new paper.

“Below-the-line, most of the studies give no indication that the premiums, the more cars are sold,” said rosel. More: Other branches could suffer from the measure. “If you prefer to buy a car, in the Moment, less money for furniture,” said the expert. “The Plus of the auto industry and can therefore be quickly to the Minus of other sectors.”

economic stimulus package of the Grand coalition: the Green in trouble – Hofreiter avoids announcement of Kretschmann

But the topic is delicate. The car industry calls for assistance. And even in the Eco-party the number one that people are afraid to give a clear Contra. Stated otherwise, rarely clear words embarrassed Green party leader, Toni Hofreiter about the taz, Kretschmann come “in this case to his consideration, I to another. But you can not deny because there is no credibility“.

“The longer the shock, the more dangerous it is”, had called for the President of the German Association of the automotive industry (VDA) , Hildegard Müller, last. From short-time workers the unemployed threatened “in many industries to be”. For dispute dividends-payments from car manufacturers, the hope is now support by buying premiums, however.

This is the potentially costly car scrappage scheme far from the only item on the wish list of the Grand coalition politicians. Overall, it could go to 75 to 80 billion euros – the distribution is unclear. Söder had called for an upper limit of 100 billion euros. An Overview:

coalition negotiated economic stimulus package – the long wish-list of the Grand coalition:

tax cuts: The SPD has suggested that the partial abolition of the solidarity surcharge from January 2021 to July is preferable. CSU leader Markus Söder, a tax cut he called “mandatory”. Union faction leader Ralph Brinkhaus says, the Soli-abolition is preferable to July already “technically” not feasible.

help for communities: Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD), strong-willed, adopted in indebted municipalities, debts – cost-point for the Federal level: € 22.5 billion and dwindling trade tax revenue balances; here, the Federal government will give EUR 5.9 billion, the countries of the same sum. The Union is strongly opposed

help for workers: Scholz wants to double the duration of short-time work* currently, a maximum of one year to two years – but only temporarily.

help for families: The SPD wants a single family, or a children’s bonus of 300 Euro, in particular, for Normal – and low-income earners. Söder is holding a family bonus for “meaningful”. The Union is skeptical. A higher Hartz-IV-rate has declined to the brink, and the house already flatly.

help for small businesses: The emergency aid for small businesses, self-employed and freelancers are in need of a total planned 50 billion Euro should be extended to Scholz’s proposal for particularly affected sectors such as gastronomy, travel agencies, pubs or showman. The aid must not be repaid.

help for the train: Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) wants to give the railway a 5.5 billion Euro capital increase. In the modernization of the Rail is 2.6 billion euros will flow. In a paper from the Ministry of Finance the increase in equity in the DB is called.

money for digitisation: scouring 8.5 billion euros is proposing for investment in digital infrastructure. Brinkhaus the rapid digitization of the administration announced a key project in the economic stimulus package. Also in Scholz, a digitizing thrust is considered in the public administration is necessary.

money for “innovative fuels”: scouring intends to invest 1.9 billion euros in research and development of alternative propulsion systems and fuels. Even Scholz is one about the building of a hydrogen infrastructure and the possible measures in the Corona-crisis. Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU) calls for a total of ten billion euros – among other things, for the promotion of green hydrogen.


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.