face creams it is separated for women and men. Such a distinction is actually useful?

Munich (dpa/tmn) – care products for the skin there are many, especially for men’s skin has its own series. The shelves in the drugstores are full of them. Men really need a separate face care? Yes, says skin doctor Dr. Christoph Liebich in Munich. In an interview with the dpa-themed service, he explains what it’s worth to respect.

what is the difference between men’s skin and woman’s skin?

Christoph Liebich: men’s skin is firmer, more robust and thicker than those of the woman. It has glands to produce more sebum and is, therefore, large-pored and oily. The pH value is lower, it is acidic. Responsible for hormones. Men firmer skin is first of all, it contains more Collagen. She tends to be more likely to blemishes and acne.

when should men begin with the targeted skin care?

Liebich: from the age of 35 years, the skin begins in men to aging. New skin cells are more slowly formed, and the elasticity decreases. In women this happens earlier. A targeted skin care for men but from the age of 20 to 25 years, a lot of sense.

Should access the return men on special men products?

Liebich: care products and creams are matched to the more symptoms. In contrast to the woman to care for men creams contain fat, usually less. In this respect, it makes a lot of sense. Men with dry skin can use woman creams, this is an individual decision.

it is Worth to pay attention to certain ingredients in a face cream?

Liebich: hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10 and Vitamin C nourish the skin and prevent skin aging. Most important of all, the sun is but protection, this is the A and O. These should always apply, in addition, particularly in the case of outdoor sports activities. Sun protection there is no difference between men and women’s skin.

dermatologist Christoph Liebich