Five people, one woman and four men, were arrested in a major police operation on Thursday evening in Herlev, near Copenhagen.

The five persons has on Friday been made in grundlovsforhør.

Late in the afternoon informs, Copenhagen is Ranked the Police that all five have been remanded in 13 days.

Prosecutor Rasmus von Stamm asked at the beginning of the hearing that it was kept for dobbeltlukkede doors.

It is decided the judge to comply with.

It means that the public has not been informed of the charges.

Sigtelsernes content and the information may not come out at the present time, assess the prosecutor.

However, acknowledges both TV2 and Ekstra Bladet, that the five arrested persons are suspected of having planned a Liderbahis robbery of a cash transport.

According to both media come the four men from Sweden.

This was also obvious at the beginning of the hearing where an interpreter had to translate for the four accused men who spoke Swedish.

The accused woman spoke some English.

During the hearing, the police were strong in numbers present, and each of the accused had a cop at his side.

Copenhagen is Ranked the Police have not wanted to give details on what the case is about.

on Thursday night informed the police that the action in Herlev, denmark, took place on the basis of prolonged investigation. Case ‘involving a group of criminal suspects,’ wrote the police on Twitter.

the Investigation has been carried out by politikredsen in cooperation with the special committee on Special Investigations to the East (SEØ). SEØ are working to unravel the organised and cross border crime.

the Prosecutor in the case, Rasmus von Stamm is just from SEØ.
