Maybrit Illner asked about the favorite activities of the German: “journey into the Unknown – how dangerous the holiday?”

Maybrit Illner speaks in your ZDF*Talk about holiday in Corona-times*. Guest: Katja Kipping , Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit , Armin Laschet , Reinhold Messner and Marija Linnhoff . In the round of Consensus, as regards the question of the holiday* there is a broad.

Berlin – The summer is coming – but the Coronavirus is already inside. And wants us to be miserable, but in fact the “most beautiful weeks of the year”. What to do? Not even ignore, the risk, and Green (and optionally blue)? The holiday last week, was the most beautiful day for a trip, a taste of the hustle and bustle, when the holiday begin. There are probably not many of the drama deter you, the Maybrit Illner in the theme of your shipment, put it: “journey into the Unknown – how dangerous is the holiday ?”

ZDF-Talk: Maybrit Illner speak with your guests about holiday in Corona-times

The response of the guests was clearly Not: dangerous – when all the watch is beautiful, no mass of buffets, not a ball man go to, no opportunities for a “super spreader” to create, as a virologist, Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit formulated, in reference to meetings in which many of the participants attached to had.

optimism prevailed in the round, in terms of the present and the future in dealing with Corona . the Armin Laschet , Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, wanted to trust “the people” something. the Katja Kipping , Co-leader of the Left, took your party Bodo Ramelow, father of the country, in Thuringia, in protection, was forging ahead with a General loosening, and got support from Schmidt-Chanasit . the Kipping called it a “success to the caution of millions”, when there should be no second wave in the autumn.

Reinhold Messner sings in the Illner Talk to vacation in Corona times, the song of songs in Germany

For this, Europe must act together in terms of travel time, was the Tenor. the Laschet (“I have always been against border closures”) called for a European solution at the latest by mid-June. And saw Germany as a model. the Schmidt-Chanasit took the debate as an opportunity to promote the European center for disease control had to be strengthened.

at the Beginning, Europe has not acted, however, in common, was the verdict of mountaineering legend Reinhold Messner . He hopes to return to Schengen, because without the condition of open borders is the holiday region South Tyrol could not survive. And except for the advertisements for his museums, he also sang the song of Germany, the “most popular country in the world at the time”.

Illner Talk show on ZDF on holiday in Corona times: Competition is good for

On Illners question of whether we could not have made us unpopular in Italy , the oldsters Bergfex an Argument that is likely to come both tourists as well as operators located in: It may be a sign of solidarity, when German to Italy travelled . As we know, Austria still refuses to let travelers from the southern neighbouring country, the border pass – and had to listen to the Vienna government of Bavaria’s country Manager Markus Söder: anyone Who wants to enjoy Austria , could also do this in Bayern

competition is the business tourism – even though the arg is starving, how Marija Linnhoff the Chairman of the Association said, an independent self-employed travel agencies . There is great uncertainty, because of the inconsistent approach of the Federal States. Therefore, now on a European level all the more urgent uniform rules are needed.

In the Illner-Talk is at least clear: The holiday in Corona, the times will be different than usual

The eleven thousand travel agencies in the country, hoping to support, the Laschet at least with a reference to Minister of economy, Altmaier hinted at at least. He showed understanding for the importance of the travel agents, because personal advice was “more important than before”. the Katja Kipping agreed, she was to take for a bridging money for small enterprises.

How is he holiday , asked Maybrit Illner towards the end of this broadcast, which you can walk to your specific Problem address, too, in the case of Frank Plasberg. Otherwise, he, the holiday , is Linnhoff insured . the Katja Kipping pointed out that many people would have to as a result of short-time working or other financial distress modest, if your Alternative “paddle boat instead of a cruise ship” for the least likely to apply.

ZDF Talk show Maybrit Illner: The journey of the world champion on holiday again – in the Corona-crisis

Maybrit Illner, ZDF, Thursday, 28. May, 22.15 p.m., library

But if the journey of a world champion are back on the road, you will need masses avoid, maybe a traffic light on the beach in Portugal find, maybe the service in the Restaurant ask, which tables still have time to wipe, maybe closed Nightclubs find. And in terms of Corona : The virologist in the round noted, that there is a “travel health advice” …

And where are you going, the guests of Maybrit Illner? Who else had to travel a lot, stay home, Armin Laschet departs to the lake of Constance, and Reinhold Messner is anyway live long in the holiday

Of Daland Segler

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.