One of the most sought after escape would like to explain in grundlovsforhør. Both accused denies guilty.

Two men aged 20 and 25 years refuses to commit to have helped to liberate the prisoner Hemin Dilshad Saleh from a psychiatric facility in Slagelse on Tuesday.

It appears by grundlovsforhøret in Court in Glasgow on Thursday.

Defending Andro Vrlic, there only is the defender for the 20-year-old, announces to the accused would like to make a statement in court. The 25-year-old will not speak out, explains the defender Susan Smith.

They refuse both guilty. After the doors closed at grundlovsforhøret, and therefore it is uncertain as to what the accused explains.

Earlier Thursday, another man held in custody for four weeks in absentia. He is charged with the same ratio as the other two. It is most likely the man, who police Thursday arrested in Hamburg, Germany.

The three men have planned befrielsesaktionen, and they have done it in the common understanding, it sounds in all the charges Pasgol from the prosecutor Skipper Falsled.

the Men are accused for the penal code section 124 thereof. 2 to have participated in and helped in the liberation of the prisoner.

The second charge is for possession of two weapons with a loaded magazine and cartridges under particularly aggravating circumstances, by penal code section 192a.

The aim also for violation of article 119 of the treaty. 1, when they pointed at and threatened the staff with guns.

the Last relationship going on, that they have forced two female employees to close them and Hemin Dilshad Saleh out from the secured end of the year. Here the similarity of the after clause 260 of the regulation. 1, which is about illegal coercion.

The dramatic escape was carried out by two guns were indsmuglet in the hospital in a kageæske, which bandefiguren Hemin Dilshad Saleh of 24 years got away.

In connection with the action was that fired the shot towards the floor, like the staff at the hospital were threatened.

The Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet has written that the authorities fear that Saleh may have fled to either Germany or Sweden. That is why the Swedish authorities have been asked to tighten border controls.

The three accused in the case are protected by navneforbud.
