The maischberger Talk tried in the ARD to revert to other topics, but, above all, a gloomy view of the future level of the Corona discourse.

In the “Maischberger”-Talk , in the ARD* it was not just the Corona-crisis*. Guests were Friedrich Merz, Katja Riemann, Reinhold Beckmann, Christina Berndt and Hans-Ulrich Jörges . “Star”columnist Jörges turns out to be a Simple-carrier .

Berlin – on The Internet there are many useful video . You can look at there Yoga instructions, instruments, learning, or quantum mechanics to explain. A Video series is currently the most important: In short explanatory videos as examples for argumentative fail to be given benefits, such as straw-man-arguments , circular logic or self-fulfilling bias. You can send this short film-With-debaters, if you want to explain to you why your reasoning confused, illogical and not valid .

“Maischberger”-Talk in the ARD: “star”columnist Jörges leads own ignorance as an Argument to box

The “star”columnist Hans-Ulrich Jörges if you want to leave a whole series of these Videos to come. His argumentative missteps over ranged in the current “maischberger”show of absurd Exaggerations on the topic (young people can’t fall in love because of the Corona-requirements ?) on vague interpretations that were, as facts executed (“as I understand it, at least”), and self-contradiction (“This measures you can’t control anyway” – “it was only yesterday we were police drones and police squad car is watching”) up to unproven Stammtisch-assertions (of football as a “vaccination against the collective Depression”).

“Maischberger” (ARD) – “the star columnist” commits the same stupidity as Corona-Protesters

And while you’re at it, could you let the poor man is also a pair of Corona-how-to videos come? Because Jörges commits the same stupidity as many of the currently Corona-Demonstrators and their own ignorance as an Argument to box : Be aware in case strategy and planning against Coronavirus seems to be in the March to stand still. “And now have changed the targets – when is the stop for?” Can the man please a a MaiLab-Video send – and him also say that he should not be so loud before, he has made himself acquainted with? Just because he didn’t understand the steps two, three and four, he must not get riled up so loud that step one is over.

“Maischberger”-Talk in the ARD: Reinhold Beckmann salbadert of the “longing for life”

As always, Sandra maisch Bergers curious “The week”-Format it is the Panel of three journalists and commentators, this determines the quality of the broadcast – together, here are three fun quick thinker with good chemistry, come out of the really fascinating moments in the process. But this time, the presenter Reinhold Beckmann nothing more has to offer to salbadern than in his usual sports jacket-Charme of the overwhelming “desire for life”.

And the science journalist, Christina Berndt the thankless task, the declare of Simple carrier Jörges as quietly as possible to what aerosols are, and what diseases are, and that no, the pandemic is not yet over, and no, not “everyone is responsible for themselves, not to infect” – a concept, the Jörges, even after multiple repetition, doesn’t get it.

“Maischberger”-Talk in the ARD: Simple-carrier Jörges conspiracy theory out boxes

Instead, the man grumbled rather as one who has kept ten weeks of his absurd opinions back. Even put multiple resist conspiracy theory that the curve long before the Contact* is dropped, and everything therefore was unnecessary, he gets joyful again – also, he could see quiet a few educational Videos.

And finally, he goes deep into the ” Bill Gates wants to ban paper money, and all of us forced vaccinations “Terrain, as he tells his “impression” that the mask obligatory* represents only an arbitrarily prescribed “memory”, “the fact that there is this disease”. Makes you wonder really just how many real journalists were sick, that Maischberger this Clown had to invite. That Beckmann in an absurd crept proposes clearing attempt, seriously, to sacrifice the population of Thuringia as a laboratory to decide the discussion, there is only the icing on the cake.

“Maischberger”-Talk in the ARD: Friedrich Merz, flopping deep in a missing argument

Serious guests were there? Actually. the Friedrich Merz is holding a fighter in his candidacy for the CDU chairmanship and hopes that will have changed until the election in December, the topic. This is not very promising, but Merz is still at least a orderly figure.

He has to tell a sober, but considerate Corona-history , can make his pragmatism and also quite competent economic specialists, who urges greater visions for the state assistance in matters of digitalisation and e-mobility.

Only, unfortunately, they drop deep in a false argument, as he brings out a notorious “slippery slope”Argument (“But a bit of a rest risk always, otherwise you can’t go even out of the house”). A round of YouTube Videos for Mr Merz , please.

“Maischberger”-Talk in the ARD: Katja Riemann uses her for a short time, in order for the Weaker to use

Then was the actress Katja Riemann of the unspeakable conditions in the Greek refugee camps, reports, and again the massive breakage of asylum, international law, human and EU law denounce, we, Europeans, us as so cynical of our outer border strips. This concern is honorable is all the more, since only minutes before, a short dispute over the scandalous lack of Corona-help for artists and Solo self-employed breaks out (and trumpeted Mr Jörges again uninformed erroneous opinions in the room).

But Riemann use your a short time rather for the Weaker and Neglected to use. The Chance that this country is listening to in his confusion and indignation, really, and just now stores its notorious crowding in this question, is not high. But woman Riemann deserves the highest respect that you at least tried it.

By D. J. Fred Eriksson

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network