the Parents of a boy born in 2017 has not yet disclosed his name to the central population register.

Why must the Thursday in the court in Viborg, where they may face a monthly fine of 1000 crowns, until the child’s name is registered.

According to the Danish navnelov parents are required to register their child’s name to the central population register, within six months from the birth.

This can be done either through baptism or registration on the

the deadline is not complied with, politianmelder Familieretshuset – the former state Administration – the parents.

There are not many of these cases end up in court. It stresses Birgit Eggert, are navneforsker of the University of Copenhagen.

“I can only remember one instance with a boy who was to be called Christopher with two time the ‘ph’ – that is, Christophpher.

“the Mother refused to give him a different name, but it simply could not be approved, he had to have two ‘ph’-is in its name. It goes greatly against the Danish spelling, but he ended up shown with to be allowed to be called it,” she says.

Familieretshuset reports that in 2018 politianmeldte 47 parents for not complying with the deadline. They do not, however, what the causes are, to parents not naming their children in a timely manner.

Birgit Eggert points to two possible explanations:

“Either the parents may have found a name, and forgotten that the six months have passed, otherwise there may be conflict between the parents, where they can’t agree on a name,” she says.

But it amazes Birgit Eggert, some parents do not get the name registered.

“It is not the earth’s biggest crime. But there is in navneloven that you have to have a name. It is so basic to humans that we have a name.”

“A name is very closely linked to one’s identity, and if you do not have a name, so it’s weird,” she says.

A child is automatically given his mother’s surname, if there has been registered a surname after the six months, but will be without the first name.

Many believe that the children are awarded a regal name, if the parents have not registered a name to them.

But it is a hoax, emphasizes Birgit Eggert.

“It shows very often that people think to get a regal name, if you do not name her child within the six months. However, my colleagues and I Celtabet have never found one written rule which says to do something,” she says.
