It is mid-term in the development plan process for the new development area At Gschwendt in Miesbach. However, the housing sector is still a long time. There are still some hurdles.

Miesbach – The new residential area At the Gschwendt in Miesbach has made the next step. The city Council has taken in its recent meeting, the approval decision. And the unanimously. The Munich-based planner Rudolf Sodomann was allowed to go, without having to answer a single question. However, not all of them were satisfied.

Paul Fertl (SPD) complained that the proceedings have so far lasted a long time. “We should give time a boost”, he admonished his fellow councillors with a view to ensure that the placement decision already made by the 1. August 2019 dated. Time was of the essence, especially because of the state support of about 30 percent is only limited until 2022 – “what comes after that is open”. And the circle city need affordable housing.

see also: town of Miesbach, which plans affordable Housing on cemetery

Michael Lechner (FWG) was confirmed in the “great Unity”, the construction area to be reported. He warned, however, that you summon with this planning, there is a Parking problem up, if not counter-steering.

trigger the Parking area to the westerly Von-Vollmar-street, which is resolved in the course of development is. For places to disappear to the 50 Parking. The be appreciated not only by residents but also by cemetery visitors – especially in the case of large funerals with many participants. For such cases, Inge Jooß (SPD) proposed the use of a Shuttle bus in order to reduce the vehicle traffic. Lechner had a different solution: the free land of the free state, on the East side of the road At the Gschwendt, where the country wanted to 2016/17 apartments for recognised asylum seekers, and the socially disadvantaged in a simple design to build. An approach that the mayor Gerhard Braun Miller (CSU) supported: “We will ask.”

also read: a Clear message at the info meeting in Miesbach: No football ground At the Gschwendt

For a further Parking space would be – at least until Further notice – helpful. Because in the previous course 15 cross were in the future, Parker is conceivable, said the city hall chief. But the loss of 50 balance, are not enough for this. Brown Miller’s Plan, along the cemetery wall, the longitudinal Parking permit – also tested – will not be enough.

Hardly any discussion, there was the bursting of the projects, at the residential area of a football field to create. On the approximately 90 times by 17-Meter area, a Playground and a Playground are provided.

more Problematic is the drainage of the area. So the purpose of Association had stressed to the wastewater disposal in the Schlierachtal with reproduction, that the disposal of the dirty water “must structurally be” adapted. That is to say: It needs a new channel. This is due to the difficult infiltration capacity of the soil. As reported, there were safety concerns because of the previous mining activity in this area. The city had, therefore, by the fall of 2019 to the spring of 2020 the floor pressing.

The solution to the Problem, Mrs school road is. There is laid – as reported – is a new storm water channel to relieve the waste water channel. Here also, the residential area should be allowed At Gschwendt, then connect – also, both types of water strictly separated.
