, The Federal Cabinet has a strong pension increase 1. July decided. What you should know about.

In the summer of 2020 will be the pensions increases . The Cabinet to the 1. July decided. For pensioners, there is noticeably more money . When the increased pension is paid depends on the time of Retirement.

Update from the 02.06.2020: pension increase – when the increased pension is to be paid

pensioners in Germany get to 1. July more money . The annual pension adjustment is responsible. The Deutsche Rentenversicherung Bund in Berlin points to a report from T-Online, according to, however, that the adjustment to arrive at all the senior on the account . What time is the increased pension , depends on the time of the Retirement : Who was already due for retirement before or in March 2004, receives the adjusted pension already at the end of June, the Portal. The pension started in April 2004 or later, going to be the Plus until the end of July on the account. The payment achievements will automatically.

article from the 24.03.2020: Cabinet decides to higher pensions as of 1. July

The approximately 21 million retiree in Germany to get in the summer significantly more money : The Federal Cabinet has on 22. April, a strong pension increase 1. July decided. According to a regulation of the Minister of social Affairs and Hubertus Heil (SPD), the pension increases in West Germany and 3,45 percent, in the new länder in order to 4.20 percent. The East-pensions, which is close to the West references.

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pension increase in the summer of 2020 – So much money comes in

A monthly pension of 1,000 euros , which is based only on West-contributions , should, therefore, to 34,50 Euro , a high pension with Eastern contributions to 42,00 Euro increase . The consequences of the Corona-crisis for the economy are not taken into account in the definitions yet. On the upcoming pension increase, this has no effect. The Federal Council must approve the increase. The increase in* 1. July was already the end of March announced – now healing to this. The basis for the pension adjustment to wage developments in the past year. Also the contribution to development and the ratio of contributors to pensioners play a role.

in previous years, the pensions were increased. Finally, the covers 2019 in West Germany rose by 3.18 per cent, in the East to 3,91 percent. In 2018, there were 3.22 per cent (West) and 3,37 percent (East).

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pensions in the East are the same pensions, in the West, more and more

The current pension value in the East, rising now on 97.2 percent of the value of the West. By 2024, it will reach on the basis of a legal requirement by 2017 progressively to 100 percent. The pension value is specifically in the Euro, how much is a pay item in the annuity value. A charge point is calculated according to a complicated formula determines the amount of the pension.

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be On fewer contributors, more and more pensioners

The pension, however, is the problems, because fewer contributors come on, more and more pensioners. If today’s mid-fifties, go to Mittsechziger of the “Baby boomers”-boomers retire, the result is large gaps in the Fund.

you can read here: wife (60) is completely shocked when she learns how much pension you get later.

Bundestag approved a pension package by 2025

the time to 2025 , the Bundestag has decided on a pension package . It is the pension level – the ratio of a standard pension after 45 years of contributions to wages requires – at a minimum of 48 percent. The contribution rate is not to exceed the 20-percent mark. He is now at 18.6 percent.

For the time after 2025, has submitted to a Commission of the Federal government’s proposals. It recommends a package of reforms, but not fundamental transformation, for example, with a higher retirement age. Healing subsequently announced until the fall of their own proposals.

interesting : wife (60) is completely shocked when she finds out how much pension you get later.


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