Why glad Berlin’s Green curls actually so loud, if Tesla comes? The company is with its products, truly for the Ökowende.
The current spin Tesla pull the plug? For heaven’s sake! Photo: Reuters
A bit silly she is, the collective excitement about Elon Musks “Gigafactory” (free superduper factory”), incurred within a period of two years on the green Heath before the gates of Berlin and Tesla to produce cars translated: “. Sure, this also has the Glamour, and the promise of thousands of new jobs, which the company intends to create, can hardly leave anyone cold. But the hotly debated question of why Jack of all trades Musk have preferred the Oder-Spree district of the German capital, it is droll: Of the United States considered the new location is, of course, Berlin.
Something else is almost embarrassing: the unbridled joy of some of the green top policy makers on Tuesday evening at an award ceremony announcing settlement plans, namely economy, Senator Ramona Pop and group leader Antje Kapek. “I am, of course, crazy about the message. The Advertise and the talks have paid off,” shouted Pop into the Twitterversum, and Kapek sekundierte: “The whole world is pulling for Tesla … Berlin/Brandenburg it is. Really great!“
the Director told mayor to the press that he had already gone once Tesla and I made a lot of “fun” as a gift. But the Greens have a reputation as an eco-to, and with their uncritical enthusiasm for the Musk-forge you advance again a bit. Because even if the Tesla models will be self-titled in the taz ever lightly “Eco-cars” – they’re not.
a look on the Tesla Website makes it clear that here, just the Car as a powerful extension of the human locomotion apparatus, as a roll to be invented in the end of fortress with super smart Image. The “Model Y”, may be mounted in grünheide, in the grotesque peak values of the sports Betmatik car “Roadster” (over 400 kilometres an hour maximum speed). It is but it is a SUV, of which the electric motors propel it according to the manufacturer in 3.7 seconds from 0 to 100 and the casino sitesi Railways with 240 kilometers per hour top, of course, in the Land of unlimited speed on the car exactly right. (Inside you notice of such murderous forces little: “eye-catcher here is a 15-inch touch screen, while the sound field audio system conjures up a true concert atmosphere,” promises the advertising.)
of Course it is a little bit “green” when the juice, with the one generated by a Brandenburg or Berlin-Mitte grid, the wind turbines and not from the desert floor is pumped. But basically, what is the mobility expert Wolfgang Lohbeck said in a recent Interview with the SZ: “What makes Tesla, is the dumbest and most obscene variant of the electro-mobility. To move a Three-ton truck, with extreme acceleration values, which can be ecological and not social.“ And: “Also the green electricity is neither clean’ yet not in vain, he is even more precious.”
to illustrate the height of drop of the Green again: It’s the same party is priced, the Greta Thunberg and right in front of the imminent dangers of climate change warns. You want to be at the same time quite a normal political and social Player, which then calls to consumer waiver and pleas for an end to growth kind of embarrassing, is your verschwiemelten attitude to the boom in airline business to read: As Senator of Pop, hoping that very, very soon quite a lot of synthetic kerosene from the solar cells flows to the BER. A beautiful dream!
After all, Green has yet to weigh in consistently welded: The word “Tesla” does not appear in the Twitter profile of transport, Senator Regine Günther.