artist:interior of Georgia, the live in Berlin show a sub-Caucasus country. The taz spoke with Ana Grizishvili, one of the Exhibiting.

installation view (l. to R.): Gela Megrelidze, Sophia Tabatadze, Ana Gzirishvili, photo: Goga Demetrashvili

Man escapes the majority, if one speaks in words that no one understands, and uses characters that no one can decipher. Writer Aka Mortschiladze – in this country one of the few well-known voices from Georgia, sees this as a key point of Georgian culture. Artist Zurab Sumbadze apparently not.

He breaks the myth of the Inaccessible, the Mortschiladze also to Georgia, weaves, in his diary, drawings, humorous down. “I have read Mortschiladze”, adorned with pen-and-ink letter-sized sheet, “his style is mannered and formalistic”. In doing so, he placed himself just as stylised as formalistic line drawing of an Oriental bath house scene with a spring tip, the Poet (perhaps of the Georgian national poet Shota Rustaveli?) in between the words.

The group exhibition “greetings from Georgia” with Thea Djordjadze, Sophia Tabatatze, Ana Grizishvili is to 30.11. in the art point, Schlegelstr. 6, Do.-So. 15-19, to see

So it’s a small drawing, Sumbadze turns out many ironic pirouettes to the Georgian culture, vortexed for foreign – and self-views, as it adjusts itself may no longer live in their own country. The curator, Sophia Tabatadze has gathered for the exhibition “greetings from Georgia” many of these distanced views of Georgian artists:inside, living in Berlin.

Together in a variety of positions together add up to a kind of sub-of the country. The language remains a guiding principle. As in the case of Ana Gzirishvili . You shall, in your Iki-series Georg fortified enclosure of the words from the Russian and documented life in order, your uncontrollable self – beyond political conflicts.

insight (800)

taz: What is the exhibition in Berlin did that Bahis Siteleri to you last excited? And why?

Ana Gzirishvili: I saw in Berlin a long time ago that an exhibition has given me a strong emotions. But there was an incident at a performance by the Young Boy Dancing Group in the ruins of the monastery this summer. In one of their dangerous actions, they set accidentally, some of the audience on fire and injured himself. It was a time of panic. And me the to brought to Think about the obscure boundaries of responsibility between artist:indoor, organizer:and audience.

What concert or what club in Berlin you can recommend?

photo: © Ana Grizishvili

Ana Gzirishvili, 1992 born in Tbilisi, is a media artist. Since 2014, she lives in Berlin, where she graduated from the New Media Class at UdK Berlin and a DAAD scholarship holder is. In their experimental Work, Ana Gzirishvili various media traversed by the lens, the image moves based on computer animation, from drawing to print, or from fashion to Performance. In terms of content, she deals frequently with the visual and socio-cultural Narratives of space, language or event. Ana Gzirishvili deals with the shifts that can occur between the material and immaterial world.

Trauma Bar and movie theater all, only a year ago, opened and from the very beginning, a very nice program with inspiring, experimental artist:inner.

What magazine/what magazine and which book will accompany you through at the moment everyday life?

I Just read several books at the same time. For example, Silvia Federicis “Caliban and the Witch”, which has already inspired many people, especially women, including me. Also, I read Virginia Woolf’s “The Waves”. Your Writing is surprisingly trippy. In Parallel, the brilliant Toni Morrison.

What is your next project?

I am preparing a video installation in Tbilisi on the condition of the “in-Between”-Being or of the “Placeless”-Being ahead of. I’m going to work with my CGI character CGI character “Bay and Tbilisi city scape”. I’m also after two years, finally a music clip to the end of an unpleasant experience with an employee of the German Bank, which I once had.

What object/event of everyday life makes you the most joy?

The Morning coffee and the view from my window. I have a beautiful view of the city. I also love my books to go through and search for words.