In the district of Erding are to ill, only 14 citizens with acute Corona. Also over the weekend, no further cases have been added.

Erding – The district office spokesperson Daniela reported Fritzen. A total of 617 people with Sars have been infected since March-CoV-2.To 100 000 inhabitants, not a single Neuansteckung is currently in place within seven days.

There’s hardly any new cases come to light, also increases the number of Recuperated only slowly. Since Friday was to be placed here be no disease of the files. In total, there are unchanged 592. Corona-the Dead are there already for weeks, so far, eleven casualties.

Two patients to be treated at the isolation ward of the hospital. The screening point sought on Monday to twelve persons. 5556 Tests on the Covid-19 Virus have been made so far. ham