Donald Trump wants to out with his appearance in Tulsa (Oklahoma) before the US elections out of the crisis and provides so well for eddy.

Donald Trump* is less than 150 days prior to the options 2020 in a massive crisis With a campaign appearance in Tulsa (Oklahoma) he wants to his campaign re-launch, experts warn of a Corona* -super-spreader Event the city imposed a curfew

Tulsa/Washington – A major event in an enclosed stadium in the Coronavirus pandemic? For US President Donald Trump in the face of the soon-to-be US election 2020* seems to be no Problem – the prevention of infection or.

Trump’s Show in Tulsa (Oklahoma) during Corona: The President suffers before the elections in 2020 cabin fever

After months and months, the Trump in the Corona crisis, mostly isolated in the White house spent, only the bearing Koller does not press on his mood. In Washington, it runs before the presidential election in November, not around – and until then, there are only less than 150 days: At the Corona-pandemic and nationwide racism protests following the death of the African-American George Floyd accuse his critics deny him Totally. High-ranking Ex-employees like John Bolton also draw a devastating picture of trump’s leadership style.

Also, the polls for the US election 2020 are bad, even the new collection by his Favorite Fox News shows democratic rival Joe Biden is the most voters is significantly higher in the Trend. On Twitter raged on Trump : “See what happens in November. Fox is terrible!“

Donald trump’s Show during Corona in Tulsa (Oklahoma): Nearly a Million Tickets applied for?

For the election campaign Team it is important, therefore, to bring Donald Trump in Tulsa (Oklahoma) back up to speed. Supposedly almost a Million people have applied for “Tickets” in order to be the President on Monday (15.06.2020) on the short message service Twitter wrote. The location for Saturday (20.06.2020) planned event in Tulsa holds, however, only around 19,000 people.

+ elections 2020: Donald trump’s Show in Tulsa (Oklahoma) – Massive Corona outbreak feared©picture-alliance/Tom Mccarthy/AP/dpa

trump’s campaign Manager Brad Parscale had previously claimed on Twitter that there were already 800,000 of Ticket-seekers for the event in the Federal state of Oklahoma . the Tulsa has around 400,000 inhabitants, of the whole state – space is a standard half as big as Germany – is just over 4 million inhabitants.

Parscale wrote on Twitter, all the participants would get at the intake because of Corona masks, and disinfectants given. Also, your temperature will be checked at the inlet. Remained open, first, whether the Wearing of the masks during the entire event would be mandatory.

US elections 2020: experts warn of Corona infections in Trump’s appearance in Tulsa (Oklahoma)

some Trump Fans in Tulsa were, in order to secure the coveted places for the first Trump-Show for months. TV images show the Waiting, as you persevere in either US – or Trump-flags.

Donald Trump , the Whole thing seems to run out of the rudder, tweeted: “In Tulsa large crowds and queues already. My campaign has not started yet. It begins on Saturday evening in Oklahoma !“

Whether the call to Donald trump , however, something that is questionable. According to an analysis of the news channel CNN the case, are on the increase in the US the state of Oklahoma steadily: In the week to 17. In June, there has been daily around 203 new infections with the Coronavirus , an increase of 110 percent compared to the previous week. Also the official Figures from “the Tulsa Health Department” show: The new infections in the city to go steeply upwards. The head of the health authority in Tulsa , Bruce Dart, said he wishes that the event will be postponed.

elections 2020: curfew in Tulsa (Oklahoma) imposed – Trump-Team with a bizarre Corona-hedge

In Tulsa was, meanwhile, imposed a curfew. Mayor George Theron Bynum justified this in his arrangement with possible protests against the election and the fear of riots. the Donald Trump escalated earlier on Twitter and threatened Anti-Trump protesters: “you will not be treated as in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis. It will be a totally different scene!“

the demonstrators is taken care of in Tulsa so. But what is with the massive Corona -? Experts warn that the event could be the super-spreader Event. Also, since the President and his Trump -Team provides: anyone Who wanted to register for the event, had a scheme in writing whereby the operator can not be used for infection with the Coronavirus and the possible consequences liable has.

The Coronavirus crisis in the United States is getting worse. U.S. chief virologist, and expects soon to be success in the vaccine search. All of the current developments on the Corona-crisis in the USA in the News Ticker. (By Tim Vincent, thickness)

* -item id-Article-content-item-copyright”> section list image:©picture-alliance/Tom Mccarthy/AP/dpa

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