The Corona-onset in the case of Tönnies proposes ever-higher waves, the situation is always precarious. The battle engine grinding criminal complaint is now threatening even. All the info in the News Ticker.

The Corona-scandal, the company Tönnies is coming to a head rapidly. 803 employees having the corona virus* infected, 7.000 are located in quarantine*. During the battle engine criminal grater threatens indicator, a district administrator, a help appeal to the Minister of health Jens Spahn* . Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. Also you can find here a variety of current case numbers in Germany, as a card*. Currently, there are also the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.

Update from 19. June, 19.20 PM: “We were treated like slaves”: It is degrading conditions in the Tönnies-factories , came true, the reports of victims. In the Jour Fix of the trade Union left Hamburg published book, from the quotes, reports former contract workers about the conditions inside the Slaughterhouses.

they tell of the mental and physical Stress, brutal Foremen, to the conditions of long working hours, unpaid Overtime, lack of work protection, threats, health risk , unacceptable living and exploitation.

We were treated In the accommodation office, ten bed-rooms cockroaches were walking around and at the end of this sad conclusion: “like slaves.”

Corona outbreak in Tönnies: Laschet makes it clear – “area-wide Lockdown” possible

Update from 19. June, 18.19 PM: Of Corona-outbreak in the case of Germany’s biggest battle, operation it to Rheda-Wiedenbrück always draws larger circles and developed into a political ordeal. On Friday afternoon, North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister, Armin Laschet and was clearly saying, “We will mobilize all the forces around the infection to contain to happen.”

The German politician said to want the German army to fall back. In addition, interpreters are an important aspect to the often foreign workers in their native language is sufficient to inform.

Laschet of of “the greatest wave of Infection in North Rhine-Westphalia”, and a “never-before-seen Dimension” of language, not from the castle, moreover, that there is in the Region of drastic measures. Still, it was a local phenomenon, said the 59-Year-old, however, should change this, “could be a nationwide Lockdown ceiling in the Region is necessary.”

Meanwhile, the number of Infected is rising. In the course of the Corona-outbreak 803 infections are now registered. The district of Gütersloh shared the evening with (Stand 19. June, 0 P.m.). On the eve, the number was 730. Negative 463 test results were reported so far. Were collected a total of over 3,500 samples for the authorities arranged series of test, which was continued on Friday with the help of the Bundeswehr.

Corona in the case of Tönnies: the district administrator sends a cry for help – a mass outbreak is taking on ever greater dimensions

initial message, of 19. June, 15.40 PM: Gütersloh – The Corona-outbreak in the battle of grater engine it to Rheda-Wiedenbrück (district of Gütersloh) increases. 730 people have been tested positive for Covid-19 , of which about 7,000 are located in quarantine . The Monitoring was a “huge problem,” says district administrator, Sven-Georg Adenauer (CDU). Health authorities and regulatory authorities examined a sample, whether data were subject to certain conditions. Even the police were involved and drive more Patrol. There remain, however, a difficult to almost impossible “mammoth task”.

Corona in the Tönnies factory: district administrator with a request for assistance Jens Spahn

The CDU-politician who can not afford for the past 21 years, the district administrator in Gütersloh was also a call for help in the direction of his Party colleague Jens Spahn and the Federal government: “My authority is the Monitoring of the quarantine measures permanently staffed. Therefore, I called the Federal Minister Spahn, and the country North Rhine-Westphalia and asked for help,“ said Adenauer “We need Doctors, administrative staff, and the forces of law and order other public Order authorities, the police or even the armed forces.”

+ Sven-Georg Adenauer asks for help. The district of Gütersloh is facing a “mammoth task.”©Reuters / David Indian song

Corona outbreak in Tönnies: Gütersloh exceeds 50 mark – as the only German County

the devastating Corona-outbreak exceeds Gütersloh, the only German County by the Federal government set 50s cap. The of 364,000 people strong Region is located in 94.2 Infected per 100,000 inhabitants.

Also the lower Saxon town of Osnabrück reinforced due to the outbreak of their precautions. It ordered according to Friday’s two-week domestic quarantine for all Tönnies-workers who live in the Osnabrück area. Justification the city referred to happen on the massive Infection. The County of Gütersloh is located on the border to lower Saxony, Osnabrück is located about 60 kilometers from Rheda-Wiedenbrück .

Corona/Tönnies: butchery operation threatens criminal charges

The North Rhine-Westphalian state government has announced according to a press report, meanwhile, the reasons for the massive infections in the meat industry, scientific check. “We need to examine, as the Corona-outbreaks in the meat industry,” said state health Minister Karl-Josef Laumann (CDU) of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

The Tönnies-operation are all in all, troubled times, it is a criminal charge threatens, apparently. As the westfalenblatt reported, is to be determined, among other things, due to the initial suspicion of negligent bodily harm, and for violation of the protection against infection act. Five criminal charges should already be present, including a display of Green-politician, Britta Haßelmann .


* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

section list image:©dpa / Federico Gambarini