CDU-chief Kai Wegner is allegedly from his climate-moving young to convince. For this, he sends his party on an Eco-Trip.

Suddenly, a green party politician: CDU-chief Kai Wegner photo: Reuters

is A photo montage on the side of the area: The Tempelhofer field – but not free as in the past, but to the South of the runways wooded and completely from the hangar along the edge of the city highway to Berlin-Neukölln of new homes surround it. The installation is the eye-catcher at the small party Congress of the CDU, which also surprises far more than any other party days of the Christian Democrats. Because of the “Tempelhofer forest”, as the CDU calls it, is part of an Eco-decision paper, which acts in part as a conversion of the party to the Green, but the Green itself criticized as a social cold.

In the attic of a posh Department store near the Savignyplatz, one learns of the party leader, Kai Wegner, there appears to be a 13-year-old son is responsible for the fact that the CDU is to decide delegates this evening about an Eco-friendly slogan to: “”Berlin 2040 – On the way to a sustainable metropolis” is the name of the. Namely with this son he had in the course of the Fridays-for-future-activities almost daily discussions. “I opened a bit the eyes,” says Wegner, and it sounds like a kind of Damascus experience.

Is there a Saul to Paul? It sounds almost as if Wegner tails, the Friday-for-future-activists against school-criticism takes. “Yes, school attendance is mandatory,” he says – but you’ve always required, that the Younger committed, and if the would do that now, couldn’t you … at All Wegner praises of the free-school strike in a way that is not likely to favor all in-Active: “in a good frame,” move the “logged in” to be the protests, and were “not rebellious, but really likeable”.

One of these in Wegner’s eyes, not rebellious teenagers sitting a little later in a discussion in front of the CDU-delegate: Frances Wessel, Berlin’s coordinator of the protests. And as the is to understand that makes them for nine months, Friday’s blue because you want to know directly from Wegner, whether he thinks this is still okay, but what is difficult while the party Congress. After all, the CDU is ready to let Elexbet on the open stage to criticize, as it rarely happens in a Congress of the party. Is moved. in the past few months, nothing says Wessel, one should not talk when it comes to climate protection, but also bedava bonus make

This, in turn, has Wegner in his opening speech called for: also, the Green delineate that demand a lot of the things in the CDU, the Eco-slogan-more green roofs and facades, more trees, Deposit system for disposable cups – for a long time. The Wegner does not deny, but he sees no practical consequences, although the Green would join the government in the Senate for three years. The CDU is now somewhat surprisingly, the environmental protection forward, for Wegner logical: “sustainability is one of the urkonservatives topic.” After all, he admits: “We as a Union have lost when it comes to sustainability in the past, credibility.” The application is for the CDU do not have to chase the Green, but stay black, because Berlin need more Green, “but not Green”.

especially because from his point of view, climate policy at the expense of those with less money in the pocket: The Senate is set to nationalization, bans, and turn the cost screw, and the Green would stand out especially. The CDU chief is seemingly the left-hand class fighters: “We know, however, that sustainability cannot be achieved with a cold heart and global warming is not going to stop with the social cold.”

The “Tempelhofer forest” on the wall should not come in the Eco-plans automatically, if the CDU would soon join the government in Berlin, which is also according to the latest survey unlikely: the edge of buildings, which should carefully be, but on the photo montage of different acts, and forest made up of the CDU view, a referendum to advance, to lift the construction ban since the referendum of 2014. “Ask first, then plants,” in Eco-application. What is not in it: So a referendum is in Berlin currently different than a petition for a referendum is not possible.