‘It was an expensive theory test for a learner who had to regain his licence.’

so begins the Funen Police, a search on Twitter on Tuesday.

In tweetet write the police further about the incident, where the student failed his theory test, after which he went and sat down right in his car to drive home.

‘A collaboration between the experts brought the car to a halt’, writes the police and concludes, among other things tweetet with hashtagget #dyrbøde.

Sunniva Pedersen-Reng, communications officer at Funen Police, tells that the man, coincidentally, was discovered by the experts and the attending police officers.

“I know, they said: ‘Hey, Dinamobet is he not just dumped’, after which they pursued after him and got him stopped further down the road,” she says.

Sunniva Pedersen-Reng will not comment on the misconduct which had resulted, that the person had lost his licence in the first place.

How he took it when he was stopped?

“I don’t know, but I guess he was pretty frustrated,” laughs Sunniva Pedersen-Reng.

It is unknown how many mistakes the man had in the theory test, but he was not immediately close to pass.

“I can at least say that he had more than five errors. He had really failed,” says Sunniva Pedersen-Reng.

the Man can now look forward to a fine of 7,000 dollars for driving without a licence, while he also must pay a new prøvegebyr of 980 dollars, if he will have a new theory test