For some, black driver ends the ticket-free travel in the JVA. How that could change, in addition to activist*discussed with the Senator of justice.

Behind these walls, many sit on Multiple black driver: Plötzensee prison photo: Reuters

in the Meantime it has already got around: Many of the people sitting in the JVA Plötzensee, do that, because you got caught multiple times driving while black, and from the court with a monetary penalty was imposed, but did not pay. Many of the disoriented, not at all: they live on the street are alcohol dependent or mentally ill, often.

these so-called replacement had custodial sentences avoid the execution of every day costs thousands of euros, the effect of which is rather doubtful – it was on Wednesday evening at a discussion event in the RigoRosa, the neukölln Deputy office of Anne Helm and Niklas Schrader (Left). In addition to the green, the Senator for justice, Dirk Behrendt, the managing Director of the Association of German transport companies (VDV) Ost, Werner Faber, and Karlotta Egelhof and Rosa K. from the friends of nature youth on the small Podium of a full political-store sat.

The Front between the activists and the VDV-man was fairly clear: “The jail is a Scheißort, since it must give very good reasons, that there is somebody inside,” said Egelhof. Black-and-driving is not included: “These people are often at risk of suicide, you will lose the custody of their apartment and their environment and have less chances of getting a Job, you could then buy a Ticket. As people become destroyed lives.“

Faber, LPP approach is very different from: “and” S-Bahn ” criminal complaint only after the third case, sometimes even later. We believe that this is an appropriate way of dealing with the Problem and don’t see a need for Change.“ That the Berlin Green to the offence of “black” for offense down want to promote, and the Left holds the Latter to be inappropriate, he can not comprehend: “We do not know which signal is the effect of the. In the worst case, we solve a Problem by creating another.“ There are now enough people who could afford a Ticket and still none bought.

Dirk Behrendt defended the initiative, black to the offence of “power theft” (§ the 265a StGB) to take out in order to avoid imprisonment: “In the case of administrative offenses although there are also the means of enforcement, but if a nothing has to Pay, is not compulsory permitted.” The, “now sit, not so thick, the Kaçak İddaa least of all of them powerful”. With the Grand coalition in the Federal government, the project administrative offense was doomed, however, for the time being to Failure.

below this objective could improve something, let the Senator through. “We will explore, where there are at the LPP and the law enforcement authorities nor the adjusting screws in order to use the game rooms,” he said to taz. How this might look in practice, he left it open. VDV-man Faber, however, had suggested in the discussion that the LPP is not obliged, after the third black-and-display – you may be able to respond until after the fourth or fifth Time, or even later. The civil claims, the “increased Fare” was already unaffected.

Behrendt explained how come for the majority of in the Plötzensee prison inmates is much to high fines: prosecutors and judges operated mostly with the Standard daily rates of 15 euros-“because you get the people to do it, often even to the face”. The remote remained on the court deliberately or out of ignorance, and would then proceed mostly in the case of further black of the police directly in the jail brought.

In the case of someone who transfers refer, were 15 euros, “not quite wrong”. “But a large group of the substitute freedom to serve their sentences, gets no transfer of benefits, such as Eastern European homeless people living in Berlin from the Begging.” Ideally, as Behrendt, should be lowered daily rates to the legal Minimum of 3 euros, when at the start of the alternative custodial sentence that you have no income at all. “That would be actually a relief, but you would have to change the code of criminal procedure.”

to be drilled boards are so thick. For Rosa K. from the friends of nature youth is clear, however, that black-and-ride should not even be an offense – “there’s debts finally come”. The problem does not show that the company can do it currently is simply to provide all of the mobility available. This must change: “be The coolest solution would be a free public transport.”