the Rapper Jamaika – with the civil name Sharmarke Omar Ali – has been arrested.

On Twitter informs South Jutland Police, they have arrested the 24-year-old man, who police 19. november called for in connection with a stabbing in philadelphia.

This man is identical with the vejlensiske rapper.

Jamaika was arrested at an address in the Municipality of Vejen at 19.08. According to vagtchef Ole Aamann flow arrest quietly.

How the police found the wanted rapper, can vagtchefen not comment on. But he tells that it was not the rapper himself, who volunteered.

in Addition to Jamaika was also another 24-year-old man arrested. He is now charged with having held a wanted hidden for the police.

South Jutland Police must now assess what further needs to be done in the matter, but Jamaika will probably be manufactured in the grundlovsforhør Thursday.

This is in connection with the stabbing, as he is suspected to have been part of. Stabbing took place in the Street in Esbjerg 6. October. Nerobet Here was a 23-year-old man more easily injured.

It is the police view that it was the differences between the two parties, which led to the stabbing.

When the police do not immediately after knivoverfaldet be able to find and arrest the suspect, you 19. november to call him with the name and picture.

In the same context, it sounded that one should not take the contact to him if you saw him, as the police regarded him as being dangerous.

Rapperens name and picture were shared far and wide in the media, but it didn’t Jamaika back from being active in the social media Instagram.

In a so-called story he shared, among other things, a short movie clips recorded on the passenger seat of a car. The image was accompanied by a politimands-emoji and two fuckfingre.

Also not that he for an upcoming EP.

While he has been wanted, he has also released a new single. ‘Protocol’, as it is called, is to judge from the text to sit in prison.

Something he has experience with. He has earlier told that he has spent nine years of his life in prisons and youth institutions.