the Court in Glostrup has found 21-year-old gang member guilty of among other things, 11 shots against the men on a bench in the Count.

A young man from the gang of Brothas have been sentenced to custody, after he tried to kill a man during a hjemmerøveri and also fired 11 shots at the two men on a bench in the Count.

the Verdict handed down by a jury in the Court in Glostrup on Tuesday.

The 21-year-old Andreas Hansen is so dangerous, that the ordinary term of imprisonment is not sufficient, the court stated.

this is Why the result has been custody, which involves incarceration for an indefinite period of time.

the Response is due, among other things, that he several times tried to kill a man during a hjemmerøveri in Greve in chianti in september last year.

Andreas Hansen required to be provided to 11,000 crowns of the victim, who is a young musician. “Let us see how tough a rapper you are,” he said, and the wounded man with a shot in one leg.

When the terrified man tried to escape, struck the young gang member the gun against the man’s upper body at about a meters distance, and pressed several times on the trigger. However, it did not take a shot of.

The 21-year-old tried again. He took ladegreb on the gun and pressed the trigger, but this time without a shot Restbet being loosened.

Later, the police technical investigations found the explanation. The cartridges were defective, informs the Court in Glostrup on the matter.

he is Also found guilty of having fired 11 shots at the two men, who, in October last year sat on a bench in the Geragerparken in Greve in chianti. Andreas Hansen sat behind on a moped, but jumped and they fired many shots.

the Court also established that the 21-year-olds possessing two different firearms at least partly due to a conflict, as the Brothas had against the other two gangs, the NPV group and Hundige Group.

When this is the case, is there a possibility that the normal penalty may be increased until the double.

in the case of the young man denied the infringement, but in turn has acknowledged some of the less serious incidents in the indictment.

In addition, the 21-year-old also sentenced for threats against the politician Rasmus Paludan.

Since he was 16 years old, he several times convicted of serious crime. He poses an “obvious risk” to the life, health or freedom, assess the specialists in Retslægerådet who have recommended custody.

In a press release expresses the prosecutor Jannik Rasmussen satisfaction with the verdict.

– the Penalty must be viewed in light of the very serious crimes he has committed, he says.

The convicted persons have appealed the decision to The high Court.
