With unusual methods want US to prove to researchers that the Coronavirus is already broken out months earlier in Wuhan, long before China was known to the epidemic.

For weeks, especially the United States and Beijing argue whether China has made the danger from the Coronavirus to late known. US researchers now want to have new evidence is found that the Coronavirus might have already been starting in August in Wuhan . Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. Also you can find here a variety of current case numbers in Germany as a card. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures All current, global developments in the Corona of a pandemic, you can read here.Boston/Beijing Has responded to China too late to Covid-19 ? It has left the Rest of the world about the scope of the new Coronavirus in the dark? It has obfuscated, lied? For weeks, the US-China fiercely argue about, especially. Many U.S. researchers are looking for Evidence of China’s misconduct – and now, new evidence is found, according to which the Virus is circulating, even since August in Wuhan .

Coronavirus in Wuhan: notes on an outbreak in August 2019

you have used to unusual methods – are, accordingly, doubtful. As evidence you have analyzed <strong Parking the hospitals in Wuhan> via satellite . In Parallel, they analysed the Chinese search volume on the Internet “diarrhoea” and “cough” , two of the most important symptoms of a Covid-19-disease , in the last few months and their findings to peer review on the Pre-Print Server, the Harvard University published.

investigation by satellite is possible, because commercial providers will provide very accurate images of the earth’s surface, where even seventy centimeters detect small objects to. To have this method, the researchers resorted to, to explain to you, because you would have found in other studies in Latin America , that every Flu the Parking lots of the hospitals were on average significantly more busy.

Coronavirus in Wuhan: researchers count cars in satellite images

the Same phenomenon you want to have also observed in Wuhan and August . While according to Chinese data, the Virus took until December for his Ride around the world. On Twitter, the provider of the satellite images, RS Metrics shares a picture from the study, red is the Park marked cars in a hospital in Wuhan to identify it clearly.

another user of the Online service, a photo from the study with Before-and-After comparison:

The satellite images but at the same time, the weakness of the study. The researchers have only used on a few recordings back – or could only use a few. The recordings by commercial providers, are expensive and thus scarce. And not always possible, for example, if cloud cover the surface of the earth Verde. But also on the time of the respective recordings, the researchers give no indications. This would be important.

In conversation with spiegel.de the Director of the German emphasizes remote sensing data center at the German center for air and space travel (DLR), Stefan Dech, that satellite photos of the moment shots.

Corona-pandemic: a US study of satellite images in the critique

“You have to make sure that you know what happens in the hospital to the time the pictures are made,” he said. Before, during, and after a lunch break the Parking lot to see perhaps quite different. The Same applies to the visitor time . In fact, the dispersion in the number of cars on the but images high.

Also other attempts to reconstruct the onset of the Corona pandemic, and it will be collected for evidence. The South China Morning Post documents want, which shows that the first definitely with Covid-19 infected Patient on 17. November was noted.

For any pandemics in the future, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron, and four other heads of government, sounding the Alarm. In Germany, the Reproduction was, meanwhile, in the past three days above the critical mark of 1 – experts warn of a second wave.

*Merkur.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network