A drug against the Coronavirus is highly sought. Remdesivir shortened, at least, the time until recovery. The European medicines Agency from expanding the use.

A drug that helps against Covid-19*, is searched in the Corona-pandemic* strongly On the anti-viral drug Remdesivir , which was developed against Ebola, rest the hopes of many First results from the USA were promising, now the drug might be coming soon to use

Update from the 13. May 2020: The hopes in the treatment of Covid-19 lie on the active ingredient Remdesivir, which was originally developed against Ebola. According to studies in the United States, the European Medicines Agency EMA has expanded its recommendations for limited use of the drug Remdesivir . It could now be additionally applied in the case of certain stationary Corona-patients , which are not dependent on ventilators, said the EMA.

In a clinical study in the USA, it was found that Remdesivir was able to shorten the time until recovery from Coronavirus to several days. However, secured information on side-effects is still missing.

Remdesivir is, as yet, no country in the world as a drug approved for the treatment of Ebola. In the United States a derogation for the limited use of the drug in hospitals since the beginning of may. In Germany, the Mediterranean, within a compassionate use program for Corona-patients is available and is being tested in clinical trials.

“Remdesivir acts” – a drug against Covid-19 may soon. be available

Update 10 May 2020: After a couple of weeks ago in the U.S., the first promising results for the active ingredient Remdesivir as the Coronavirus is known, it is now also available from Germany positive signals: The preparation Remdesivir “we will have within a matter of weeks or a few months,” says the head of infectious diseases at the University hospital of Cologne, Gerd Fätkenheuer, the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

By Remdesivir is a drug that was developed against Ebola. He is currently being researched in Germany in a study, as in the Corona-crisis urgent medicines will be used. The study is in a “very advanced stage”, so Fätkenheuer. “We can say: Remdesivir works”. You have already proven that Remdesivir abmildere in the case of a Covid-19-disease the severe and shortening.

Remdesivir as a drug against Corona: side effects are not known

Essential side effects of Remdesivir are not known but should be investigated further. The drug sun according to calculations made by a British researcher with a cost price of about ten Euro for a ten-day treatment. “How expensive it is then to be sold, is another question,” so, Fätkenheuer.

compared To the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger, the researcher warns that the Virus “is spreading, creeping, as it were, under the Radar, and is always referred to the second wave, which will be of incomparably greater force”.

Remdesivir against the Coronavirus: the active ingredient is urgently looking for

first message of 17. April 2020: , Originally the anti-viral drug Remdesivir against Ebola has been developed, but in the meantime, he is among the active ingredients , where you have the greatest hopes that it may help against the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 . In a hospital In Chicago, researchers are conducting a clinical study with the drug – apparently with promising results: As the health portal “Stat” reports, have reacted in the hospital for several Corona-patients positive Remdesivir .

The doctors in the hospital would be observed in the Remdesivir-treated, Corona-patients “rapid recovery from fever and respiratory symptoms”, “almost all patients” were dismissed in less than a week back from the hospital, the report says. Therefore, 125 people with Covid-19 were included in the clinical study. 113 of these patients were diagnosed “severe”, all of the 125 patients received daily Remdesivir-infusions .

Helps Remdesivir against Covid-19? Promising results from the USA

other clinics in the US, there are also studies, which, however, as yet, no results have become known. the Gilead Sciences , manufacturer of Remdesivir , emphasized in a Statement: “What we can say at this stage is that we are waiting for data from the other studies.” Previously, it was stated that the data would be expected for April. “Stat” assumes that the data of the clinical study, “may, at any time,” to be published.

“most of our patients are seriously ill and most of them leave the hospital after six days”, – quotes the Portal “Stat” Kathleen Mullane, of the University of Chicago. Mullane had said in a video conference with other members of your faculty, a recording of which is available to the Portal, and was later confirmed by Mullane. To draw “any conclusions” from the data, however, ‘is premature and scientifically unsound’,” according to the University of Chicago, in a Statement to the recording.

active ingredient against Corona: Remdesivir study with caution

Actually you have to look at the data to Remdesivir for the time being, with caution: they have not yet been confirmed independently, in addition, further studies are still going on. Mullane is in the video recording continue to keep in mind that there are in the Remdesivir study no Placebo group to control.

The active ingredient Remdesivir can be integrated into RNA and inhibits the replication of the Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 . Remdesivir is administered intravenously by Infusion, and is considered to be broadband anti viral , that could be used against a variety of viruses – in addition to Sars-CoV-2 also against the relatives of the pathogen of Sars, and Mers or the Ebola virus.

medicine for Coronavirus: Remdesivir in Germany so far not approved

Remdesivir in Germany is not Permitted. Currently, the active ingredient in Germany, it is cases directly from the manufacturer in individual without prior review provided*. This is the so-called “individual therapeutic attempts.” Since the beginning of April Remdesivir is on the list of confirmed compassionate use programs of the Federal Institute for drugs and medical devices (BfArM). The WHO has prioritised the exploration of Remdesivir in clinical studies already in January.

the President of The BfArM, Karl Broich, is expecting in three months, with the first study results for the treatment of Covid-19. Until then, data from would have expected two large studies with Remdesivir in Germany , so Broich. Overall, there was some success at the end of therapy approaches promising.

drug for Covid-19 is eagerly awaited

Whether Remdesivir is the long-awaited medicine that helps Covid-19 , until a vaccine against Sars has been developed CoV-2*, are likely to show in the coming months. An effective means, the the the disease Covid-19 relieves, could support the efforts to preserve the health systems prior to a collapse, until a vaccine is developed.

Tanja Banner

studies hope: drug Remdesivir shows effect in Covid-19-patients. Meanwhile, the RKI explains why the reproduction number in Germany is currently rising.

*fr.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital-editor.