video conference-booming Tools – also Zoom. However, for the User of the service, there are now bad news. You should take care of your passwords.

The video meeting Service Zoom makes even more Negative headlines. Criminals seem to have captured hundreds of thousands of User records and offer them for sale. If the output restrictions and no-Contact orders are to be eased in Germany, is more the subject of debate.

Update from the 24. May 2020: The Federal privacy Commissioner Ulrich Kelber warns the use of the in the Corona-crisis popular video conferencing provider Zoom . “Currently, there is no end-to-end encryption. That is to say: the content of The communication is unencrypted on the Server of the provider,” said Kelber, the Handelsblatt. “This is not recommended of this form of communication, if personal data are in the game. It then alternative platforms should be chosen where a true end-to-is guaranteed to end encryption.”

Critical Kelber sees, in his own words in this connection, that as a result of the Corona-crisis in a home office or Homeschooling often applications, such as Zoom are used. “It is important to use such technical solutions without compromising data security or privacy,” he said to the blade. However, there are data protection-friendly products.

“for reasons Of convenience, but, unfortunately, often the well-known quotations, even if these are from a privacy point of view, to be deficient,” said Kelber. “I expect authorities and large companies, but also of citizens, just to see what you decide.” There is always an Alternative, “which ensures the confidentiality of the communication, and the use that you do not pay with its data, or metadata”.

in the Middle of the Corona-crisis: a warning to a User of a popular provider of video chats

Munich – Who can’t feel, want to see – something like the change in communication could be the behavior of many people in the corona crisis describe: the place of joint pub evenings, Cafébesuchen, but also from corporate conferences are kicked video chats . And one of the great profiteers is called ” Zoom “.

Corona-crisis: video chat service Zoom is booming – Criminal beat

The video conferencing service has recently gained strong user. The daily number of users jumped from ten million in December to the last 200 million high. For the but there is bad news.

As the Portal reported, has been discovered by an IT security company, according to its own information in the Darknet with several hundred thousand records from Zoom users – more than 500,000 of the speech is. You will be offered seems Criminal to purchase, in some cases, users had been data free online reads.

Video service Zoom: User passwords to buy, apparently, in the Darknet to

The case could be Affected quite unpleasant: According to the report, the data include, among others, the email address and the User-password in clear text . It is advisable, therefore, to change not only Zoom, but also otherwise used, passwords now.

+ of The video conference service, “Zoom” is in the Corona-crisis is highly popular – but there are security issues.©AFP / OLIVIER DOULIERY

Alarm company Cyble in an interview with the US website Bleeping Computer has failed. The IT experts even want to have well acquired of 530,000 records of Zoom users for sale, in order to validate the authenticity of the offer. The price sounds manageable: 0.002 cents per record the speech.

Coronavirus-crisis: the Zoom device is in the crosshairs of Criminals

it remains to be seen how the sensitive data could be captured. the Zoom has been no information about a possible data leak price – also a request of was not initially answered, apparently. More likely an attack using “Credential Stuffing but anyway,” speculates the website. This will be tried out from other Leaks already known passwords of Criminals, in order to obtain further data.

Zoom it’s definitely not the first security problem. the Google about blocking the Software of the video meeting service Zoom in on the computers of its employees. The Desktop program would not meet Google’s security requirements, a spokesman said. The wide use – and the increased attention from IT professionals – had promoted numerous security vulnerabilities and data privacy issues to the fore.

On the state of the Coronavirus crisis in the United States, we hold you in our News-Ticker up to date. The latest news on the impact of the pandemic on the economy, see this article.

fn (with Material from dpa)

section list image:©dpa / Jamie Lee Finch