Rocks, bottles, furniture and firecrackers flew through the air, when Police again tried to make up with hashhandlen in Pusher Street in Christiania.

“We were greeted with shouts and a callous – almost psychopathic – voldsparathed that was thrown at short distance, with the aim to harm my officers,” says assistant principal in the operational centre of the Copenhagen Police, Lars O. Karlsen.

There were arrested eight people during the operations the police carried out on Wednesday, but with the Copenhagen Police to hope that the numbers will increase.

“We will investigate the violent incidents,” says Lars O. Karlsen.

During the operations was two officers hit by bottles on the legs. No one was seriously hurt, but it wakes anyway great concern for Lars O. Karlsen and his colleagues.

“We look with great concern at the voldsparathed that are out there,” he Sultanbet says.

Some of those who threw various things at the police, followed the officers out on the street. Here they continued to throw at them.

“As some of them threw against our cars at the main entrance to Christiania, we examine also, though it may have been a danger to others, who passed on the street,” says the assistant head.

He believes, it is clear to see what the purpose of the violence is.

“They are throwing after the police, to the police officers to come to harm, it is worrying hatred and cynicism that the violence was carried out” he says, and continues:

“They also shed for our vehicles.”

Copenhagen Police have not yet arrested some of the persons who exercised violence against the officers.