brings make Many of Berlin’s occupation, the basic pension, nothing. Because you are working in new forms of work, often without a state pension.

Who works on the study only freelance, hardly comes up to 35 years of contributions photo: Reuters

he worked for Many years and still have hardly any money the Federal government wants to have found the life in old age: this is the Dilemma now has a solution. From January 2021 to, who pays for 35 years in the statutory pension Fund and still to little pension for life to get more money. In order to receive the full pension Supplement, may not be the month income, living Alone not over 1,250 euros, in the case of pairs over 1,950 euros. The announced the Federal government last Monday. This basic pension is called the pension increase is to solve the Problem of poverty in old age. However, for Berlin, is not enough.

Because in the capital, it is teeming with Freelancers, freelancers and so-called solo self-employed. In the Europe-wide Freelance-comparison Ligobet of Berlin in the Online project exchange evidenced by Twago according to for years number one. And all of these are working, but rarely in the state social insurance. Because most of the freelancers prefer to focus on private pensions, instead of on a voluntary basis in the statutory pension Fund.

The CDU Chairman Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer said on Monday, the basic pension will give a clear Signal to people “who worked hard all their lives, but still only a small pension would have”. The Federal government relies with your 35 years of statutory contributions on a fairly old-fashioned work model. The freelance Journalist, or the Influencerin, on a fee basis to make IT professionals or faculty members will not benefit from the new pension scheme – even if you end up with maybe 35-year-old work biographies.

studies have shown that the majority of people at risk of poverty in old age, often less than 35 years of contributions. To a solution of the Problem of poverty in old age, the Federal government passes so only. Not to mention spouse*internal (statistically, women), the 35 low-paid working years, a Partner who earned more than they seen, with high probability. Your work will not be appreciated in the future than before.

The Federal government is relying on an old-fashioned work model

And starting in January will show up for some of Berlin*the inside is still a completely different Problem: In the case of people who were already in the GDR pensioners*inside, there is according to the German pension insurance, often the necessary data.