four months ago fled a 29-year-old from grundlovsforhør. Now he is back in police custody.

According to the TV Midtvest, who have spoken with the head of secretariat Bent Smedegaard from Lokalpolitiet in Herning, denmark, 29-year-old found at the home of some family members.

Here he had hidden himself in a wardrobe, but it was found when the police searched the apartment.

“He was not there, because it is Betvole a fun place to sit,” says Bent Smedegaard to the media.

The 29-year-old stack of from the police 11. July.

Here he was manufactured in a grundlovsforhør by the Court in Herning, because he had not complied with its information requirements on the Udrejsecenter Kærshovedgård.

TV Midtvest tells Bent Smedegaard, that it is rare that this kind of thing happens.

the Man is now back behind bars and will be on Thursday morning made in a new grundlovsforhør.