The case of Gåsetårnsskolens department Islinge in Vordingborg and Nysted School on the island of Lolland.

It writes the TV to the EAST.

Since Monday, several schools received trusselsmails, which is sent through the skoleintranettet Aula.

the Threats have been fake, but the police take them still serious.

To folketidende on explains head teacher at the Farm School, Brian Brodersen, that it was a student’s email account that was hacked and subsequently was sent an email from the account, so it looked as if it came from a student.

“He says that the mail contains a bomb threat written both in English and Arabic, and in the mail Venüsbet mentioned a mention of ISIS (islamist terrorist group, red). We know the student really well, and we do not suppose he came over one day just suddenly converted, so we are confident that the email is hacked,” says the school principal to folketidende on.

In a press release, informs the head of the lokalpolitiet in Sydsjællands and Lolland-Falster Police, the Charlotte Forest, that the police have been present at both schools Friday.

“There is no reason for concern,” she says.

“the Police have been at both schools this morning, and our people are not encountered in suspicious circumstances. But it is clear that to become alarmed about such a threat,” she adds.

According to the police the perpetrators apparently abused other users ‘ accounts in an internal system, and are now investigating how they got access.

B. T. follows the case.