Four men and a woman tried according to the charge to buy guns for terror attacks in Denmark or abroad.
Four men and a woman accused of trying to buy and finance guns, silencers and ammunition for use in terror – either in Denmark or at an unspecified place abroad.
It disclosed on Thursday during a grundlovsforhør in courtroom 27 in the Dommervagten by the Copenhagen city Court.
The accused is between the ages of 21 to 28 years. They refuse all guilty.
According to the charges, they have tried to buy weapons and ammunition in the months leading up to the 11. december – well, the Wednesday – where together with a further 16 people were arrested in a large-scale action.
Of those arrested, produced eight Thursday in grundlovsforhør in the Copenhagen city Court.
They are produced in two different courtrooms. It is due to the fremstillingerne related charges with different wording.
However, all the eight accused of the most serious terrorbestemmelse in the criminal code called section 114, second paragraph. 1.
But the details of the charges therefore differ from each other.
in Addition produced a ninth person in grundlovsforhør by the Court in Odense on Thursday afternoon in relation to Wednesday’s action.
There is talk about a man. The hearing takes place for dobbeltlukkede doors, so than not the charges are publicly known.
Those arrested in courtroom 27 is a 26-year-old man dressed in checkered shirt, a 25-year-old man, dressed in black shirt and black vest, as well as a woman of 28 years old, wearing a black dress and black veil.
The remaining two accused, is a man of 21 years with a long beard and striped polotrøje as well as a 24-year-old man with halvlangt curly hair, black T-shirt and blue sweatpants. They were all five arrested shortly after noon Wednesday.
Behind the defenders and the accused, at least ten police officers guard.
The accused, represented by defence counsel Janus Malcolm, Bear Canning, Carsten, England, Jakob Lund Poulsen and Jean Beach.
The eight arrested suspected planning of terror failed, according to the charges, as they were arrested by the police.
the Hearing was shortly after its beginning raised until the bell 13 for practical reasons. In the meantime, the defenders discussed the matter with their clients. More defenders asked for more time to do this.
the Prosecution requested that the rest of the grundlovsforhøret was held behind closed doors. The desire selected the judge to comply with.