The Journalist and Ex-WDR Director-General Fritz Pleitgen is suffering from pancreatic cancer. In Heidelberg, he had to undergo a surgery.

The ARD-legend Fritz Pleitgen is difficult to sick . In the case of the Ex-WDR-intendant pancreatic cancer was found. He was operated on in Heidelberg, .

Köln/Bonn – As a former WDR-Intendant he is a ARD-legend . Now the 82 is ill-year-old pancreatic cancer . Two weeks ago, Fritz Pleitgen to surgery already be in Heidelberg, been . After this intervention, he is shown yet very hope .

ARD-legend cancer: Fritz Pleitgen underwent a surgery

Pleitgen is only as Journalist and Director, he is also the President the German cancer aid . She shared on Tuesday (9. June 2020) that he had already been nearly two weeks ago in Heidelberg operates. “I am very confident, because of the Tumor was discovered in an early stage, and the Opera was profitable,” says Pleitgen.

“My own Situation makes me more than clear how important it is cancers to detect early.” Pleitgen asked to be true also in the interest of his family, his personal rights and of questions to him, and the German cancer aid, to desist, to give him time for his recovery.

+ EX-WDR Director-General Fritz Pleitgen is suffering from pancreatic cancer.©dpa / Oliver Berg

ARD-ill legend to cancer: Fritz Pleitgen was already in surgery

Pleitgen is since 2011 President of the German cancer aid, with its headquarters in Bonn. “We wish Fritz Pleitgen all the very best,” said the Chairman of the Board of the cancer, Gerd Nettekoven,. He was hopeful that Pleitgen could lead to his term as President until the spring of next year. In addition, he is writing currently a book on German unity.

Pleitgen was, among other things, the ARD correspondent in Moscow and Washington. From 1995 to 2007 he was artistic Director of the West German radio.

Also cult actor Danny Hicks suffers from a serious illness: “I Have only one to three years.”
