What, that works as a deep professional burglars, committed on the night of Thursday a theft, which almost can compare with George Clooneys mirakelkup in the film Ocean’s Eleven.

the Theft flows out from an ingenious plan and exploited security flaws in the Lakolt Shopping centre, which is located on Rømø island.

It has Jydske Vestkysten described.

the Perpetrators sneaked into the night’s darkness at. 23.29 by climbing down through a skylight on the butikscentrets tag.

They used a ladder to climb down in the mall, where they landed in the middle of sportstøjsforretningen New Form.

Here stole the according to the store’s proprietor goods for 60.000 kroner, writes the media.

After the coup bar the tyvekosterne up the ladder and out of the roof window once again, before they bundled it together in the brought bags. According to Jydske Vestkysten, the police have seen a dark station wagon running from the scene at. 22.55 – 16 minutes after the thieves broke into.

the Signs that there are thieves behind the coup, does not stop here. The thieves had exploited a little, specifically the hole in the alarm system.

Alarmsensorerne in the store did not cover the precise place, the thieves were operating in. It is a store of 1400 square meters, explains the proprietor Kurt Enevold Nielsen, to the Jutland west Coast, and there are only stolen things in the small space where the ladder was put down. Right there, where the hole in the alarm system was. The store will now be fixed.

the Holder is sure that there are talking about professional thieves.

“It certainly is, that they have put into it. You think after all, whether it is someone who knows the store, but it suggests it is not immediately on the. Those who steal in the day, are professional, and they have certainly launched exploratory exercises first,” he says to the Jutland west Coast.

Among tyvekosterne are racks with clothing and shoes from Asics, Adidas and Salomon.