
13 French soldiers killed in helikopterulykke

the Accident took place on Monday night. It is stated in an official communication issued by the French...

Researchers contradict the fund: Koalaen is not functionally extinct

Koalaen in Australia were reported as "functionally extinct" by the organization after bushbrande. It rejects the researchers. Several australian researchers...

‘The iron Lady’ on the fate-call: ‘One could well be a bit afraid of...

She was part of a group, there was almost a phenomenon. And Conny Hamann-Boeriths also remember back in time with...

Police: UFC star’s step-daughter found dead

UFC-star Walt Harris and wife Angela Harris has scored the worst possible message. Their missing teenage daughter looks by all...

Bomb in Danish EM-group? Kæmpenation expect exclusion in four years

The International anti-doping agency (Wada) will exclude Russia as a nation from all the major sporting events in four years. It expects...

The organization of division: We have listened to the FCK’s programønsker

According to managing director Claus Thomsen, is the organization of division listened to FC Copenhagen in the planning. After Sunday's...

Massive earthquake hits Albania: at Least three dead

In the capital, Tirana, fled people out on the streets, when an earthquake shook buildings on the night of Tuesday. ...

Strong earthquake in Albania – at least one death

A strong earthquake early on Tuesday morning hit Albania. According to Reuters, there is talk about an earthquake with a...

Bjorkstrand scores sejrsmålet and continues wild streak

Oliver Bjorkstrand made points for the fourth national hockey league match in a row. Here, he has made two goals and five...

Hong kong leader hopes for continued peace after the quiet choice

Of the local elections held in Hong kong in the weekend running of the pro-democracy parties, with almost 400 of 452 seats....


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