Analyze the expenditures of the presidency of the Republic allows him to have surprises. Thus, France Inter reported that, in the report of the Court of auditors on the budget of the Elysée, an item of expenditure has increased particularly : the “expenditure of legal protection” set by the palace of the rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré. Thus, these expenditures accounted for 159 766 euros in 2019 compared with a 2 352 euros in 2018.

It should be noted that, in accordance with the law, ” the presidency is in charge of the legal fees related to the legal protection of civil servants or contractors who request it, because of their questioning in the course of their duties “, says the report of the Court of accounts. Thus, 14 cases are the subject of these expenses, “the three most important, representing 63 % of the amount funded, are mandatures previous,” noted the Court.

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“As the law provides”

And this is notably the case of the so-called case of ” surveys of Elysium “, in which is incriminated Claude Guéant, then secretary general of the Elysée at the time of the facts. This case took place during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy : surveys, paid for by public money, would have been ordered in irregular conditions. Claude Guéant confirmed on France Inter to benefit from this envelope to 100 % of its legal expenses in this matter, ” as the law provides “, in which the trial should take place in 2021. Patrick Bush is also implicated in this case.