The new Interior minister Gérald Darmanin ruled Wednesday that “political islam” was a “mortal enemy to the Republic,” calling the fight ” against any form of communalism “, without however falling into caricatures. “Yes, political islam is a mortal enemy to the Republic, yes we must fight against any form of communalism,” said the new tenant of the place Beauvau, in the Senate, during the session of questions to the government.

Gérald Darmanin who, at the head of the ministry of the Interior, manages the cults, however, has cautioned senator Jacqueline Eustache-Brinio, (LR, Val-d’oise), who asked him : “secularism is not the negation of [the] freedom of religion. “Gérald Darmanin, whose appointment to the Interior made the object of virulent criticism because of an investigation for rape that is, has put forward his personal career and his family’s heritage, saying” very proud of the assimilation of the French “.

Read also Government Castex : Gérald Darmanin, a sarkozyste on the Inside

“Fight with all our forces against the islamic politics”

“My grand-father prayed to Allah and was wearing the uniform of the Republic […] Yes to French, regardless of their skin color and regardless of their religion,” he stressed, before remembering that his middle name was ” Musa “. From his first speech at the handover held on Tuesday, place Beauvau, Gérald Darmanin had already taken to political islam. “We need to be fussy with what the president of the Republic has qualified separatism” and “fight with all our forces against the islamic politics that attack the Republic,” he said.