Angela Merkel has been accused of in her tenure as Chancellor, again and again, she was not European, from a pure heart, her real passion is missing. So you tried your first speech as the new President of the Council before the European Parliament, a slightly more emotional tone. Europe according to the Corona-crisis, the greatest test in its history and the need to “Europe must change if we want to protect it and preserve it”. An allusion perhaps to the famous quote: “Everything must change if it is to remain as it is”, which comes from the Italian novel “The Leopard”?

“Alone, no one comes by”

“I believe in Europe, not only as a heritage of the past but as a hope and Vision for the future,” says Merkel in the face of a European Union that is limping for years from crisis to crisis. She speaks from the failed Constitution to the dispute, the financial crisis, the movement of Refugees – all these have led to injury in the member countries, the we must now overcome. “Europe after the crisis stronger if we strengthen the sense of community. Alone, no one comes through.”

again and again she speaks of the fundamental democratic values of the EU, the values and Rights as a common base. Never the suspension of these rights should be about due to the Corona-crisis the rule, says Merkel – recognizable by a side blow against Viktor Orban of Hungary, the remains of their party family, Christian Democrats of the EPP in the European Parliament.

But what they want to say to the Chancellor with its emphasis on democratic values in the EU, anyway? You know, that you are advocated to establish compliance with the rule of law to the disbursement of European funds. But they did not pursue the controversial issue to date consistently, because it faces strong resistance from Hungary, and others. That you press this link now, where the agreement on the EU budget, and Corona-reconstruction-Fund will be anyway difficult, is unlikely.

the main topic is, however, in the case of Angela Merkel, the value of the political and financial thing in Common: “solidarity is not a gesture only a human, but a long-term investment. It is not only politically, but will be worth it, too.” At these words, the Chancellor formally in the upcoming trial nights to their colleagues to appeal: “Any compromise is of no use to you national.” Their Mantra is that the agreement on the Corona-is billion, in the interests of all member countries.

lose No time

Behind the beautiful words, hard dispute about the money of the Bang. Angela Merkel praised the German-French proposal for a reconstruction Fund of 500 billion euros, the EU Commission and Parliament are demanding as much as 750 billion. “Our goal as quickly as possible agreement” – in this summer, stressed the Chancellor. It was no time to waste, because that would hit the most Vulnerable. And this requires from all sides a great willingness to compromise. At the same time, the Chancellor warns that not only the economically strong States are likely to be charged, one must also keep in mind, what can the countries politically and socially..

The dispute over the reconstruction funds and the next budget of the EU but played out against the Backdrop of “global upheaval” and shifts, with a difficult neighbor, crisis, regions at Europe’s borders and a weakened TRANS-Atlantic Alliance. Merkel’s reference to China, however, at this point, succinctly. She speaks of strategic relationships, close trade relations and an open dialogue. All formulas for a continuation of the “business as usual” – no reference to Hong Kong, or about the human rights violations against the Uyghurs.

applause, received the Chancellor for your remark that the Corona-the crisis demonstrated the limits of “facts leugnendem populism”. “In a democracy, you need truth and transparency,” for this, Germany will make a strong. And as a “music lover” makes it finally a little trip to Beethoven’s 250. Birthday, the European anthem and the idea of brotherhood and unity. It is not Angela Merkel’s greatest speech, but your presidency will probably be more measured in what you achieved at the end.

Quite a lot of German…

Commission President Ursula von der Leyen is trying, rather, from the Chancellor down. She speaks of the high expectations of the German presidency, but also that they would learn from the mistakes of the financial crisis. Then you have unemployment, the crash of public investment, which experienced destruction of state programs – for many Europeans, a traumatizing experience. “This must be so,” said von der Leyen, in a clear rebuff to the austerity policies of yesterday, and with the plea for a strong recovery program.

Each set makes it harder

According to her, Manfred Weber, then, as a group, the leader of the Christian Democrats, reminding Merkel to their historical responsibility and in a number of European founding figures such as Robert Schuman and Konrad Adenauer, provides. The burden on her shoulders seemed to be with each set heavier. Friendly words there are, then, of the Green-Chairman, Ska Keller, the Merkel’s promise in the fight against climate change, welcomed the bar just a little higher want place. Also the insults from the Right came from a German, the AfD leader, Jörg Meuthen, in his function as a member of the European Parliament. And the usual harsh criticism of the Left was presented by Martin Schirdewan. A German.

seen a lot of German presence as a threat? With regard to the presidency, should – except in the case of the right – wing is the high expectation of most-more of Angela Merkel’s experience and political skills to prevail. In the current deep crisis, it seems many of the better, if a strong country is at the wheel, to steer the EU through the next six months. Error and failure are not provided in these circumstances. All now expect from Angela Merkel: everything.

author: Barbara Wesel

*The post “presidency of the EU – burden on Merkel’s shoulders” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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