Snowfall and temperatures around freezing point caused problems for drivers in the evening rush hour on Monday. A spokesman for the Central Hesse police headquarters spoke of numerous accidents that had occurred in almost the entire catchment area. Details about the severity cannot yet be given.

The Rhine-Main area was also affected. A truck standing sideways between the Wiesbaden district of Naurod and Niedernhausen was blocking traffic on federal highway 455, a police spokeswoman said. Also due to the weather, a crane vehicle overturned on a state road near Kelkheim and the driver was injured. An accident involving six cars occurred on a state road between Schwalbach and Bad Soden am Taunus (Main-Taunus district). A driver was driving into oncoming traffic when the rear of her car swerved. She collided with an oncoming car, which was followed by four other cars. The driver was seriously injured and a passenger also suffered injuries. The occupants of the other cars involved were injured, some of them slightly. There were also other accidents, but mostly there was damage to the sheet metal.

In Offenbach, in the southeast of the state and in southern Hesse, the police also registered a number of accidents due to wintry road conditions, most of which resulted in property damage. The reason was partly that the drivers were still using summer tires, as a police spokesman said.