Unis-Cite Bordeaux offers young Girondins between 16 and 25 the opportunity to serve a public service mission for six to twelve months. They will need to dedicate between 24 to 35 hours per week and will receive 580 euros per monthly. Gironde Branch is calling for applications from 170 young people. They will be available starting in October.

Since 2010, the Civic Service Agency has identified ten themes: solidarity, health and education for all; sport, memory, citizenship; international development and humanitarian intervention; emergency intervention in case of crisis; European citizenship.

A number of information sessions are being held in Bordeaux at 7 rue des Argentiers. On Tuesday, May 31, and Wednesday, June 7, at 4:30 p.m. are the missions about disability, the elderly, and the digital divide. June 1 and 8 are those related to solidarity for refugees, health and for cyclist ambassadors. June 2 and 9 are those related to the environment, culture and food waste. The 13th is for activities for children and civic initiative services. Register on the Unis-Cite Bordeaux Gironde site.