
The current Presidential Election in 2020 highlights a stark contrast between the candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. When we delve into their track records and policy positions, it becomes evident that the false equivalency between the two is simply absurd.

Looking at past presidencies, it is clear that the economy tends to perform better under Democratic leadership. For instance, Bill Clinton saw record job creation and a budget surplus, while George Bush’s aggressive tax cuts led to a severe financial meltdown. Barack Obama managed to rebuild the economy and double the stock market during his tenure. In contrast, Donald Trump left office with a net loss of three million jobs.

Under Joe Biden, the economy has seen growth, despite challenges like inflation, which can be attributed to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Economists predict that the U.S. economy is likely to perform better under Kamala Harris than under Donald Trump, with warnings of inflation if Trump were to become president.

When it comes to illegal immigration, Democrats have been more proactive in addressing the issue, with Obama earning the nickname “Deporter-in-Chief” for his efforts. In contrast, Trump’s immigration policy mainly focused on vilifying migrants rather than implementing effective solutions.

On the international front, Trump’s erratic behavior and lack of diplomatic finesse have raised concerns about how he would handle critical relationships with countries like Russia and China. In contrast, Harris’s experience and temperament position her as a more suitable candidate to champion American interests on the global stage.

The issue of climate change also underscores the differences between the two candidates. While Republicans like Trump deny the reality of climate change, Democrats, led by Harris, have proposed a comprehensive climate plan with measures to achieve carbon neutrality and reduce emissions.

In terms of character, Trump’s track record of dishonesty and divisive rhetoric raises concerns about his suitability for the presidency. On the other hand, Harris’s toughness, intelligence, and experience make her a more compelling choice for the role.

Ultimately, the choice between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump in the 2020 Presidential Election represents a choice between sanity and chaos, experience and incompetence, progress, and regression. The decision at the ballot box will determine the future direction of the country and its place in the world.