Just one day before the President of the Government appears before Congress to give explanations for the Pegasus case, Podemos and the bulk of the investiture allies put the PSOE on the ropes by promoting a reform of the Regulations of Congress so that the use of the co-official languages ​​is a ‘right’ of Members.

The reform bears the signature of the purple formation and six other Sánchez partners: ERC, PNV, Bildu, PDeCAT, Más País and Compromís as well as the BNG and the CUP. If the initiative is approved, parliamentarians will be able to use “any of the official and statutorily recognized languages ​​in their communities” to debate both in plenary and in committees.

They may also present “parliamentary writings and documents” in any of these languages, whose use in Parliament would thus remain at the same level as Spanish.

As a consequence, and as stated in the text itself, Congress would have to establish simultaneous translation “into all co-official languages” in all sessions held both in plenary and in committees. as well as assume the translation into Spanish of all writings registered in co-official languages ​​and should.

The proposal of Podemos and other members of the PSOE also demands that all these writings be published in the Official Gazette of the Courts “at least in the language of presentation and in Spanish” and that the Journal of Sessions reproduce “in full” the debates “at least in the language of presentation and in Spanish».

The initiative has been registered this Wednesday and the Socialists at the moment have not spoken, arguing that they have not yet been able to read the text. The reform must now pass the qualification process in the Chamber Table before being debated in the Board of Spokespersons.