Also in the 13th season of “The Bachelor” (Wednesdays, 8:15 p.m., RTL and in advance on RTL ) a lonely man with the next love wants to finally “arrive”. This time the chosen one is called David Jackson (32), is half-American, was born in Stuttgart and trained as an insurance salesman. Currently working as a content creator and living in Dubai. And the bachelor role suits him, that makes the first episode clear. In it, his mother also reveals: “You’re not completely unprepared. Your sisters’ friends came at some point just because of you.”

In Mexico, David is now looking for the “one” among 23 women. But first she has to complete what feels like a 500 meter long red carpet course with several steps without stumbling. At least David cheers on the excited ladies lovingly. The most interesting characters quickly come to mind: Alyssa (36) is studying theology and directly announces that she does not want to kiss the bachelor as long as he is still kissing other women. On the other hand, she falls in love easily, so that might be difficult.

Yolanda (26) is “so to speak” the heir to the throne of a tribe from Ghana. She also warns the other women that she will “say something” if something “gets on her”. A princess who doesn’t want to hold back – promising!

Dance teacher Fiona (29) likes to talk a lot and reveals her top dating rule in the car: “Nothing develops.” In other words: either it transmits directly or nothing happens. A lot happens when you first meet David: Fiona has a ghetto blaster with her and teaches the bachelor a few steps. The other women in the background are impressed: “Yes wow ey, that vibed!” And the bachelor thinks: “Great performance!”

The somewhat intimidated Leyla (26) brings the best saying in the preliminary video: “I have different facets in me, so sometimes I think to myself: Hello, welcome, I don’t know you either!” She brings her camera and photo album to greet her, and the couple takes their first selfie while they are still on the red carpet. Sweet idea as the bachelor thinks: “I like something like that.”

David’s clear favorite for the time being seems to be Lisa M. (32). She loves motorcycling, Ballermann and above all traveling. And she’s the only woman who doesn’t even notice the huge mansion behind David because she’s so fixated on The Bachelor. The two chatter away immediately and talk longer than everyone else on the carpet. David: “Impressed, I’m really impressed. It was such a wow moment.”

Then the party can finally start and the various flirting strategies can be unpacked: journalist Chiara (26) comes across as at a well-prepared job interview. Saskia (29) relies on funny insults and throws the bachelor a bit out of the concept. Fiona takes over the entire group conversation and makes it absolutely clear to the bachelor that she is extremely afraid of heights and will not jump out of a plane.

Danielle’s (28) tentative attempts to persuade the bachelor to have a conversation away from the group provide entertainment. At first she is too hesitant, then she is always put off. Finally she has an idea and gets the advice of the others. Would it be weird to get him a drink now? The others: “Do it!” As soon as she sets off, however, everyone agrees: “I wouldn’t feel it.” Danielle feels it very much though, bringing him a glass of rose wine while he talks to other women. At least David is happy and puts his empty glass in her hand.

After the obligatory dance interlude, which is supposed to indicate a party, David withdraws for the first decision. It’s not easy for him: “23 women or 230 women – I don’t even know anymore!” He can still decide. The first rose, always a sign that the star of the evening was particularly remembered, goes to dancer Fiona.

Three women failed to make an impression on the first impression and have to leave. After all: Danielle is not among them. She gets a rose thanks to the rosè. David: “Your drink today came at just the right time!”