The actress Christine Ursprechen, known from the popular Münster “crime scene”, once said she stole something as a teenager.

“I was always a totally brave and still am today, but when I was 16, I stole batteries for my Walkman two or three times in a store,” quoted “Bild” the 52-year-old in an article entitled “Die Youthful sins of the “Tatort” stars”. “Back then, when I was a kid, batteries were expensive for me. I really wanted to listen to the Walkman. Thank God I didn’t get caught, and now it’s statute-barred.”

For almost 21 years, Ursprechen has embodied forensic doctor Silke Haller (nickname Alberich) in “Tatort” Münster – alongside Jan Josef Liefers as Professor Boerne and Axel Prahl as Inspector Thiel. The latest episode of the Westphalian WDR thriller is on Sunday evening in the ARD program – title: “MagicMom”.