The marriage drama between Iris Klein (55) and her husband Peter Klein (55) has dominated the media for weeks. Now Yvonne Woelke (41), who was so vehemently accused by Iris Klein, was a guest on Sat.1 in the show “Volles Haus! SAT.1 Live”. There the 41-year-old publicly commented on the allegations. Moderator Christian Wackert (34) asked Woelke what actually happened in Australia on the edge of the jungle camp. Woelke explains that she only met Peter Klein there. She describes her current relationship with the words: “We are good friends”.

Peter Klein, Woelke continues to speculate, saw in her a woman “who understood him, who talked to him”. Even after returning from Australia, when Iris Klein accused her husband of having an affair with Woelke, she continued to be in contact with Peter Klein. She “of course also listened” when he had problems, according to Woelke. “When a good friend is suffering, you just have to be there,” she explains, who describes herself as a “heart person”.

When Sat.1 presenter Wackert asked as directly as possible: “Was something going on in Australia?” Woelke answered quickly and clearly with “No”. “And to Australia?” Wackert wants to know more. “Not either,” replies Woelke, adding: “We’re not in love.”

Sat.1 presenter Wackert continues to dig deeper and points out that Woelke’s marriage also fell apart as a result of the alleged cheating drama. “Well, there is one person who spread it a lot,” Woelke replies without naming Iris Klein. Klein also has “a range”. Her husband, according to Woelke, was “never jealous”. “He believed me too. What happened now is a different matter,” adds Woelke regarding the end of her own marriage.

In addition, Woelke reveals that in the past few weeks there has been a three-way conversation between Iris and Peter Klein and her. “I tried to mediate,” says Woelke about this meeting. Now, however, “the two would have to do it alone”. She is not a “marriage counselor”.