Mr. Eisenbrand, how did the contact with Kim Kardashian come about? It all started with a trip to the US by our founder Philipp Westermeyer. There he made contacts with artist managers from the US entertainment industry who helped a lot. Ultimately, the whole thing is a months-long process in which a lot of people are involved and played their part in ensuring that our request was successful. Even though there was a lot of talk at length and Kim Kardashian of course receives a reasonable fee, it has to be said clearly that from a purely financial point of view she would hardly have needed to come to the OMR Festival. We’ve obviously already convinced them with our concept. What was the original hook? We try to cover a wide range of topics and people at the OMR Festival – from niche nerd topics to more mainstream stars. Ultimately, the business aspect is always our priority. And episodes of the OMR podcast have shown time and again in the past how exciting it can be when prominent figures talk about the business side of their existence. What makes Kardashian so interesting?Kim Kardashian has been with us since OMR was founded. At the end of 2014 she had her famous “Break the Internet” photo motif together with “Paper Magazine”. She had a mobile game with millions in sales. She is followed by 364 million people on Instagram. She has managed to generate reach and attention over the years and she is very clever at monetizing this. Her underwear brand Skims is now said to be worth four billion US dollars and is about to go public. All of this makes her very interesting to us and we believe that anyone working in marketing can learn something from Kim Kardashian.

What will her speech probably be about? It will probably be more of an interview situation, which we want to use to find out as much as possible from her. How did she build her reach? How would she do that if she were starting over today? What strategy does she use to repeatedly generate global attention? How did she build not only her personal brand, but also her companies KKW Beauty and Skims? What does it depend on which companies she works with? What criteria does she use to select companies in which she invests with her investment company Skky? There are so many exciting questions, and ultimately it will be difficult to ask her all in terms of time. What does OMR expect from her? We are sure that we will give our visitors an attractive, exciting, entertaining and educational experience through her appearance Speaking slot can offer. But of course we have to be honest enough to accept the glamor and attention that your visit brings with it. However, the first aspect outweighs the second. Will there be opportunities for visitors to talk to Kim Kardashian? We can’t say anything about that at the moment. So far only the stage appearance on the Conference Stage of the OMR Festival is planned; We are currently talking to your team about whether further appearances are possible. However, it is hopefully understandable for everyone that at an event with 70,000 people, purely logistically, not all visitors can get in touch with the speakers and that we also want to protect our speakers from too large a crowd.

Note: This article was published at the beginning of January.

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Worth four billion dollars: The secret behind Kim Kardashian’s successful company Skims

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