Sharing moments, getting reactions and interacting with followers: Social media offers tons of opportunities to connect with other people. And are also appreciated by many celebrities. Scarlett Johannsen prefers to avoid her. “I’m too fragile a personality for that,” the actress admitted in an interview.

“I just can’t do this,” she told The Skinny Confidential Him podcast

It’s not that she can’t understand the attraction – on the contrary. “I’m like a three-year-old with her mother’s cell phone,” she says. “I just get completely sucked in. And that’s how I know I just can’t allow myself to do that.”

She made the decision against Instagram and Co. very consciously. “When I stopped, I realized I had just spent 20 minutes on the profile of a stranger, someone who worked for a friend of mine. I knew you have a pit bull and two daughters, you live in Burbank,” she said them about the last visit to the app. After that, she not only felt as if she had lost valuable life time. She also almost felt a guilty conscience, a need to change her own life. “But in a bad way.”

Johansson had already said in previous interviews that she avoids social media. As early as 2011, she had expressed an interest in the way Twitter and Co. make it possible to raise awareness of problems or social movements. For herself, however, she had not found it relevant. However, the way her colleagues advertise themselves there seems strange to her. “Personally, I have no need to market myself that way,” she told Interview Magazine in 2011.

“I didn’t grow up with it. My personality was already semi-formal when it came up,” she told LadBible in February. “I think that’s why I just don’t have the capacity to process it.” However, she does not believe that she is seriously missing out. “Maybe I will. There’s something about it that seems fun.”

Quellen:The Skinny Confidential Him